
Normandy Surname-Abraham religious roots of Ishmael Islam Iran Khan+ of Ashkenazi Nordic Gaul +Sephardic Jew Homosexual Jesuit Holy Roman Catholic roots stemming from ice age Siberia Eskimo Asian ancestry that coexisted with ice age Viking Arctic Nordics to Egyptian-Greek Western Civilization Jew-Islams slaving Eastern Iran Khan Asia; Siberia Inuit Evank lost to Sephardic Russian-Nord-Gauls; Once united empires faced jew Shock Doctrine genociees and seperationsRaven /odin myth/ Loki mythology/Jewish mysticism

Fernand Nault,

he Bolivian Mennonite


Kaifeng jews


Ottoman Empire




Amsterdam jews

Austrian jews

1860 Kobe, Japan jews

Meiji militia

Osaka-Baekje Koreans  vs Kobe Jews

Siberia  as Russian territory

Iran Khan

Phoenix Egyptian Islam of Ishmael of Abraham

Jews of Abraham Jacob.  

Homosexual Jesuit Catholics of Esau of Abraham


World once started in ice age; Slanted Asians of Siberia Inuits were ancestors of Asian Continent.

Coexisting Ice Age Viking Nordics  of the Arctic-Caucasus.

At end of ice age transitioning to written records of civilization has skewed documentation glorifying Jews seperating from Islam....

Historic timeline of Siberia East Inuits in comparison to timeline of Iran-Islam -Jew-Homosexual Jesuit Catholic Jesuit as three main religions of Western depiction of Abraham descendents give insight to Caucasian  Western  to Slanted eyes Siberian Eastern civilization before 1910 destructional genocide leading to Shock Doctrine creole slavement placing Jew Controlled World Bank 2013 Civilization centered around English Speaking Global Society.

Timeline study of World History from Ice Age to 19910 genocides  and Shock Doctrine based war frimes by Askenazi jew feud  with Sephardic jews of Homosexual Jesuit Catholics remind  individuals  the following core  fundamentals nefessary to promote coexistance and equality;
 -Understanding one's ancestry  allows one to stop past sins and promotes one to do good.

- Understanding one's ancestry of  one's  parents  alongside the timeline of World History gives  foundation for one to stop past sins and to  live morally.

- Basic understanding of one's  geneology-dna  heritage  helps in avoiding  consequences of incest and std-Hiv-AIDS.

-  Knowing one's   true ancestry  helps one better be tolerant of others.

- Knowing one's genetic ancestry allows one to better understand  one's emotions as well as personalities of one's  family; overall understanding promotes peaceful coexistance.

- Understaning both the bad and the good of one' s  ancestry allows proactive tools that better prepare an individual to reach one's  porential.

-Fully educating one's self through literacy and academic acquired  knowledge of both one's ancestry alongside world history empowers individual to coexist;  to proactively apologize and seize past sins knowing dire consequences of sins motivating one to do good.

- Fundamentals are necessary for individuals to  coexist regardless of income; Pride comes from literacy and knowledgedge of one's ancestry...History of one's own fakily  motivate one to stop sins and to weigh coneequences in choosing sinless lifestyle to gain happiness.

-Every human being has basic human rights to Housing, freedom, food, literacy  acadekic based PreK-12 education,  family protection void of abuse- zero tolerance to incest-molestation-forms of sickness that dysfuctional  detours robbing one from birth to adulthood right for one to basics...Abuse free normacy to clean home- nutritious food- appropriate clothing- preK to  High School diploma academic literacy- freedom- safety- coexting and equality tto compete lawfully and  without eeception regardless of income given full knowledge of one's ancestry  be  a motivational tool without  being used as prejudice;  to reiterate that one's freedom to understand one's heritage and to have rreedom to fulfill one's potential  through literacy and opportunity to work for  deserving salary based on worked hours....practicing modern equality  of equality without slavery of economic prejudice!

- Literacy is  equivalent to ancestry knowledgedge one must master ...daily literacy is essential in daily efforts required for  to remain knowledgeable...this is an everchanging society...consistancy like gravity is not fixed...yet, daily priority in daily literacy on one's  study  of one's  heritage allows one to better understand self.. to better coexist with others...to stay busy maintaining abuse free lifestyle...

-It takes daily efforts to maintain basics; daily cleaning of one's home/  daily  academic literacy  study  maintaining reiterated ancestral history in check with current events,  daily efforts in keeping and maintaining hygiene/ clean laundry/ staying self sufficient and earn income as contributing  citizen participating in peaceful coexistance fighting injustice.

- Literacy  is essential in safekeeping one from past abuse. Literacy  allows one to maintain one's integrity and to maintain abuse free.  Literacy allows one to stay aware of one's heritage that helps one find self acceptance and to gain self esteem/self worth that  keeps one motivated to do good.

- Literacy and knowledge prevents slavery.  Individual will stay free through education regardless of poverty one can escape through education-academia that  leads to income equal to  one' s  academic prepared occupation.

-Monopoly is wrong...Fair competition and free choice  in economically competitive market is the key.

-Free will is only possible with free choice of one's free will without deception...

No matter if one is a jewish Bill Gates...Rich or  war-veteean   homeless poverty stricken...Rich or poor....having the equal basic rights to food-home-clesnliness-literacy-academic opportunity-  free will- self value based on knowledge  of one's ancestry; basics gives one  empowerment only possible through self acceptance leading to self worth mentality free of deception allow  peaceful coexistance immune to Shock Doctrine Genocide  Crimes.

- - preK-12  education  of literacy must emphasize self sufficient tools that emphasize literacy; given literacy- one must study one's  ancestry that gives foundation to one's self worth and self acceptance; one must acquire knowledge of world history in timeline of one's heritage to stop past slavenent and past sins.  One's  lifetime of daily literacy is as essential in one's need for water and food as well as housing'-hygiene-clean home-safety and academic based occupation with fair salary to maintain one's eelf sufficiency.

-Following timeline of  world history and  truth based realization is to literacy promotional tool to reiterate coexistance free of past slavery- to motivate one to stay literate and self sufficient with self worth based  empowerment.

Following depiction of past sins are to stop  past sins from repeating...Following literacy based jnvestigation and truth seeking history study-discovery is to promote daily efforts to peacefully coexist;

It is wrong to control and manipulate innocent people through cult like religions that give power to one human being slaving deceived other human beings.  Deception is wrong.  Easy income benefitjng one that result from stoled income of deceived workers are wrong.  Income from low paid  wages  or even unpaid wages are wrong.

Deception is wrong.

Controlling thriugh religion based brainwashjng is wrong.

So here is the historical timeline of the truth from beginning to modern day;

 In the beginning, there was Siberian Inuit Eskimo tribes of humans with slanted eyes.  The coexisting Arctic Viking  Eskimos of Caucas had round eyes and were taller with different dietary preferences.  The ice age ends ith meteor eestructions and floods...The first recoreed western civilization starts in the West from Egyptian--Grrek-Roman Empire....Abraham biblical narrative gives its jewish authors superiority fbricated to brainwash religious descendents throughout history...the Abaraham decendents gave  rise to three main powers; Islam, Jews.

Egyptian-Middle East people were descendents of the Siberian Eskimos....Egyptian Pharoahs slaved Jews...From the time of Egyptian Pharoahs Era was when jews fabricated the bible.  Jews of Egyptian Pharoah era that believed in Siberian Eskimo Inuits' Shamism evolves into Jew created story of jew based bible narrative.  So jew story telling of Abraham stems to three main religion.  Egyptian Pharoah evolves to Abraham descendent Ishmael born of Abraham and his second wife when first wife Sarah  is without child.  Ishmael  was first born but of second wife.  Abraham's   first wife Sarah gives birth to Isaac born secknd but due to being born to first wife of Abraham  jnherits    rights to stay in Canaan.    Abraham's  first wife Sarah makes Ishmael and Ishmael's mother to leave Abraham's Canaan that Isaac is to inherit without Ishmael getting in the way.

So the jew narrative begins  Egyptians converting to Ishmael led Islam religion of Abraham differjng from Isaac version of jews.

Ironic tale of Isaac's twin sons from Rebekah gives insight to Ashkenazi Jew versus Sephardic Jews....Eventually, Red depicted hairy Esau born first represents Sephardic Jews...Twin Jacob is favored by Rebekah and described as opposite of Esau.  Jacob's i heritance of Israel ckmes from twice deceiving Esau...interesti g that all jew corruptive traits are described in the jew written biblical collectikns...instead of famj g jews....rather, the jew written accounts give i sight to all jew traits that defame jews...jncest. greed. Deceptikn, corruptions  of jews that leads to Noah story of genocide leaving power to jews instead of Egyptian Pharoahs of Ishmael Islam.  Jews share Abraham through Jacob as Ashkenazi jews and Esau twin  later depicts Sephardic Jews that coincidentally  hides as homosexual jesuit based Roman Catholic that copies Jews in more visible while Ashkenazi-Zionist-Freemasons are secrecy based.

Islam of Egyptians include Iran centrakized Greek myths-Roman Empire to Ottoman empire...Islam faith seperates knto Crimea Greeks seperating from Islam in favor of Homo Jesuit Catholic Jews that favor Gentile jew depictik. Of Jesus.  The Islam  branches out to Iran Egyptian Turk Ottoman Mohammed Khan descendents of Islam , Buddhism, anx Iran Egypt Muhammad  similar religions.   Others stemming  from Jacob-Ashkenazi jews hide behind Sephardic-Jesuit Catholic Jews that make up Holy Roman Empire coupled with Grek Ottoman Turks that make up Tsar Russian Empire that steal Siberia to make jews slave Siberia Inuit eesfendents of Asia.

Interesting jew made up Babylonian one and two skims over Ashkenazi jews trying to  break from Sephardic jews hiding in alliance with homosexual jesuit Catholic Church that  further segregates into protestants-freemasons- and other jew based Soviet Czar Communism of Jew Stalin-Jew Austrian Hitler-Zionist jews of Kobe,Japan since 860s occupation of Japan being headquarter of jews of Asia...just as Brazil being Jew  of South America...USA being jews of North America...Amsterdam bejng jew headquarrer of Europe as well as headquarter in England-Freemason jew of Scotland...Sephardic jews+ Homosexual jesuit  Italy-Ireland Russia -Gaul-German French Nordic Austria ....creole slaved French Colonies and British Colonies of boriginal - natives and carrivean - island natives of not caucasian dna slaved by jews of Sephardic jews/ Ashkenazi jews/ homosexual jesuit based Catholic majority of Italian-French-Irish-Russian-Germanic Napolean Jew....

Timeline in History repeatedly shows jew wealth gained following Shock Doctrine  based turmoil-civil war...

Jew traits that outshine  jews that  do good versus evil include;
 Occupation of territory that eventually  gers controlled by jews that collect high interest rate of usury practice of jew commerce merchants.

Once occupied by jews become jew owned.

Jew occupation seperates Rich that slave and  place poverty stricken with illiterate population  increasing Red Light District of homosexual-Incest-human traffickin-Pedophile sex traee governed by same race drug eealers and pimps.  Few bribed escape poverty by further oppressing same race of poverty stricken slaves of the rich jews bribing  corrupt jew scapegoats.

Results conclude in jew wealth  and temporary reward masked by eternal slavenent of jew ownership bribing few political few oppressing majority of the population slaved to jew owners.

Review history of all Creole language race  as well as all USA Military occupied countries/  French-British Colonies that  statistically display few wealthy to majority poverty stricken population slaving to profit jews...countty's wealth pocketing jews instead of natives are proof of jew control of that territory.

Rich caucasian countries are jew davored stares that promotemedia propafanda of jews being portrayed as  needing protection.  Not.   Facaee of jews further defeive the poverty stricken slaved wrongky place hatred on brived scapegoats of same race working for jews...consrant civil war between wealthy versus poverty stricken population distract from discovering hidden jew control of that territory...defeption is the main trait of slaving jews that preach ten commandments that they thenselves do not practice.

Personal lireeacy,  priceless inregrity,  and fully understanding obe's  heritage aoongside historical timeline  are crucial  fundanentals in combatting jew eeceptions tgat plagueone's society.

To the Germanic peoples, Odin was often associated with ravens. Examples include depictions of figures often identified as Odin appear flanked with two birds on a 6th-century bracteate and on a 7th-century helmet plate from Vendel, Sweden. In later Norse mythology, Odin is depicted as having two ravens Huginn and Muninn serving as his eyes and ears – Huginn being referred to as thought and Muninn as memory. Each day the ravens fly out from Hliðskjálf and bring Odin news from Midgard.The Old English word for a raven was hræfn; in Old Norse it was hrafn; the word was frequently used in combinations as a kenning for bloodshed and battle.The raven was a common device used by the Vikings. Ragnar Lodbrok had a raven banner calledReafan, embroidered with the device of a raven. It was said that if this banner fluttered, Lodbrok would carry the day, but if it hung lifeless the battle would be lost. King Harald Hardrada also had a raven banner, called Landeythan (land-waster). The bird also appears in the folklore of the Isle of Man, a former Viking colony, and it is used as a symbol on their coat of arms.

Insular Celtic traditions

In Irish mythology ravens are associated with warfare and the battleground in the figures of Badband Morrígan. The goddess An Morrígan alighted on the hero Cú Chulainn's shoulder in the form of a raven after his death.[6]Ravens were also associated with the Welsh god Bran the Blessed (the brother of Branwen), whose name translates to "raven." According to the Mabinogion, Bran's head was buried in the White Hill of London as a talisman against invasion.[7] The name of the god, Lugh, is also derived from a Celtic word for "raven." He is the god of the sun, and the creator of the arts and sciences.[8]He is depicted as giant and the King of the Britons in tale known as the Second Branch of theMabinogi. Several other characters in Welsh mythology share his name, and ravens figure prominently in the 12th or 13th century text The Dream of Rhonabwy, as the army of King Arthur's knight Owain.According to legend, the Kingdom of England will fall if the ravens of the Tower of London are removed.[9] It had been thought that there have been at least six ravens in residence at the tower for centuries. It was said that Charles II ordered their removal following complaints from John Flamsteed, the Royal Astronomer.[10] However, they were not removed because Charles was then told of the legend. Charles, following the time of the English Civil War, superstition or not, was not prepared to take the chance, and instead had the observatory moved to Greenwich.


This article is about the chief god in North Germanic tradition. For other uses, see Odin (disambiguation). For a comparative discussion of North and West Germanic, see Wodanaz.This page has some issuesOdin the Wanderer (1896) byGeorg von RosenOdin (/ˈoʊdɨn/; from Old Norse Óðinn) is a major god in Norse mythology, the Allfather of thegods, and the ruler of Asgard.[1] Homologous with the Old English "Wōden", the Old Saxon"Wôdan" and the Old High German "Wôtan",[2] the name is descended from Proto-Germanic"*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz". "Odin" is generally accepted as the modern English form of the name, although, in some cases, older forms may be used or preferred. His name is related to ōðr, meaning "fury, excitation", besides "mind", or "poetry". His role, like that of many of the Norse gods, is complex. Odin is a principal member of the Æsir (the major group of the Norse pantheon) and is associated with war, battle, victory and death, but also wisdom, Shamanism, magic,poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. Odin has many sons, the most famous of whom is the thunder god Thor.

Historical Attestation

Sacrifices to Odin

Persisting beliefs and folklore



Contemporary Worship of Odin

In popular culture



For other uses, see Loki (disambiguation)."Loke" redirects here. For the ethnic group of Nigeria, see Yakurr."Lopt" redirects here. For the line output transformer (LOPT), see Flyback transformer.Loki as depicted on an 18th-century Icelandic manuscriptIn Norse mythology, Loki, Loptr, or Hveðrungr is a god or jötunn (or both). Loki is the son ofFárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loki is the father of Narfi and/or Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loki is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. In addition, Loki is referred to as the father of Váli in the Prose Edda.Loki's relation with the gods varies by source. Loki sometimes assists the gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loki is a shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. Loki's positive relations with the gods end with his role in engineering the death of the god Baldr. Loki is eventually bound by the gods with the entrails of one of his sons.In both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, the goddess Skaði is responsible for placing a serpent above him while he is bound. The serpent drips venom from above him that Sigyncollects into a bowl; however, she must empty the bowl when it is full, and the venom that drips in the meantime causes Loki to writhe in pain, thereby causing earthquakes. With the onset ofRagnarök, Loki is foretold to slip free from his bonds and to fight against the gods among the forces of the jötnar, at which time he will encounter the god Heimdallr and the two will slay each other.Loki is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; the Norwegian Rune Poems, in the poetry of skalds, and in Scandinavian folklore. Loki may be depicted on theSnaptun Stone, the Kirkby Stephen Stone, and the Gosforth Cross. Loki's origins and role in Norse mythology, which some scholars have described as that of a trickster god, have been much debated by scholars.



Archaeological record



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Jewish mysticism

Jewish mysticism

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Forms of Jewish mysticism
Dead Sea Enoch Scroll c.200-150 BCE
800–500 BCE
300–100 BCE
c. 0–130s CE
100 BCE – 1000 CE
200–600 CE
C. 1150-1250 CE
c. 1175–1570 CE

1500s CE
1570 CE–today
1665–c. 1800 CE
1730s CE–today

c. 1900s–today
c. 1910s–today
c. 1920s–today
Academic study of Jewish mysticism, especially since Gershom Scholem'sMajor Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1941), distinguishes between different forms of mysticism across different eras of Jewish history. Of these, Kabbalah, which emerged in 12th-century Europe, is the most well known, but not the only typologic form, or the earliest to emerge. Among previous forms wereMerkabah mysticism (c.0 - 1000 CE), and Chassidei Ashkenaz (early 1200s CE) around the time of Kabbalistic emergence.
Kabbalah means "received tradition", a term previously used in other Judaic contexts, but which the Medieval Kabbalists adopted for their own doctrine to express the belief that they were not innovating, but merely revealing the ancient hidden esoteric tradition of the Torah. This issue is crystallised until today by alternative views on the origin of the Zohar, the main text of Kabbalah. Traditional Kabbalists regard it as originating in Tannaic times, redacting the Oral Torah, so do not make a sharp distinction between Kabbalah and early Rabbinic Jewish mysticism. Academic scholars regard it as a synthesis from Medieval times, but assimilating and incorporating into itself earlier forms of Jewish mystical tradition, as well as other philosophical elements.
The theosophical aspect of Kabbalah itself developed through two historical forms: "Medieval/Classic/Zoharic Kabbalah" (c.1175 - 1492 - 1570), andLurianic Kabbalah (1569 CE - today) which assimilated Medieval Kabbalah into its wider system and became the basis for modern Jewish Kabbalah. After Luria, two new mystical forms popularised Kabbalah in Judaism: antinomian-heretical Sabbatean movements (1666 - 1700s CE), and Hasidic Judaism(1734 CE - today). In contemporary Judaism, the only main forms of Jewish mysticism followed are esoteric Lurianic Kabbalah and its later commentaries, the variety of schools in Hasidic Judaism, and Neo-Hasidism (incorporating Neo-Kabbalah) in non-Orthodox Jewish denominations.
Two non-Jewish syncretic traditions also popularised Judaic Kabbalah through its incorporation as part of general Western esoteric culture from the Renaissance onwards: theological Christian Cabala (c.1400s - 1700s) which adapted Judaic Kabbalistic doctrine to Christian belief, and its diverging occultist offshoot Hermetic Qabalah (c.1400s - today) which became a main element in esoteric and magical societies and teachings. As separate traditions of development outside Judaism, drawing from, syncretically adapting, and different in nature and aims from Judaic mysticism, they are not listed on this page.

Three aims in Jewish mysticism[edit]

The Kabbalistic form of Jewish mysticism itself divides into three general streams: the Theosophical/Speculative Kabbalah(seeking to understand and describe the divine realm), the Meditative/Ecstatic Kabbalah (seeking to achieve a mystical union with God), and the Practical/Magical Kabbalah (seeking to theurgically alter the divine realms and the World). These three different, but inter-relating, methods or aims of mystical involvement are also found throughout the other pre-Kabbalistic and post-Kabbalistic stages in Jewish mystical development, as three general typologies. As in Kabbalah, the same text can contain aspects of all three approaches, though the three streams often distill into three separate literatures under the influence of particular exponents or eras.
Within Kabbalah, the theosophical tradition is distinguished from many forms of mysticism in other religions by its doctrinal form as a mystical "philosophy" of Gnosis esoteric knowledge. Instead, the tradition of Meditative Kabbalah has similarity of aim, if not form, with usual traditions of general mysticism; to unite the individual intuitively with God. The tradition of theurgic Practical Kabbalah in Judaism, censored and restricted by mainstream Jewish Kabbalists, has similarities with non-Jewish Hermetic Qabalah magical Western Esotericism. However, as understood by Jewish Kabbalists, it is censored and forgotten in contemporary times because without the requisite purity and holy motive, it would degenerate into impure andforbidden magic. Consequently, it has formed a minor tradition in Jewish mystical history.

Historical forms of Jewish mysticism timeline[edit]

Chronology of Israel eng.png
Historical phase[1]DatesInfluential developments and texts
Prophetic Judaism[2]800-500s BCEProphetic meditation, divine encounter, mystical elements:
Tomb of Ezekiel
Apocalyptic JudaismBeginning 500s BCE
300-100 BCE
Mystical and apocalyptic speculation, heavenly angelology and eschatology:
Enoch Dead Sea Scroll c.200-150 BCE
1 Enoch
Mystical elements inSecond Temple period sectsc.200 BCE-c.100 CEMystical and pious elements among sects in the late Second Temple period in Judea and the Diaspora:
Map of 1st-2nd century CE synagogues in the Diaspora
Philo's Platonic philosophy influence on early Christianity
Christian Jewish early Christian mysticism
Early Rabbinicmysticism and mystical elements in classic Rabbinic literature[3]c.100 BCE-130s CE influence to 400s CEReferences in exoteric Talmud and Midrash to Tannaic early Rabbinic mystical circles,Maaseh Merkabah - Work of the Chariot exegesis and ascent, Maaseh Bereshit[disambiguation needed] - Work of Creation exegesis. Wider continuing mystical elements in aggadah Rabbinic theology and narratives:
Johanan ben Zakai
Johanan ben Zakai and his disciples
Rabbi Akiva
(Simeon bar Yochai traditional/pseudepigraphical attribution of later Kabbalist Zohar)

  Mystical aggadot examples:
Four who entered the Pardes
Oven of Akhnai Bat Kol
Torah: black fire on white fire, God looked in Torah to create World
Shekhinah accompanies Israel in exile
The Messiah at the Gates of Rome
Merkabah-Hekhalotesoteric texts and methodsc.100s-1000 CETraditional/pseudepigraphical/anonymous esoteric Merkabah mysticism Throne andHekhalot Palaces ascent literature and methods. Text protagonists are early TannaicRabbis, though texts academically dated variously from Talmudic 100-500 CE to Gaonic400-800 CE periods, and sectarian/rabbinic origins debated:
Ancient synagogue in upper Galilee
  Earlier texts:
3 Enoch
Hekhalot Rabbati (The Greater Palaces)
Hekhalot Zutari (The Lesser Palaces)
Merkavah Rabbah (The Great Chariot)
  Later texts:
Shi'ur Qomah (Divine Dimensions)
Babylonian Jewish life
Proto-Kabbalistic200-600 CEMaaseh Bereshit - Creation speculation text. Describes 10 sephirot, though without their significance to later Kabbalah. Received rationalist interpretations before becoming asource text for Kabbalah:
Hebrew alphabet
Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation)
Mystical elements in Medieval Jewish philosophy1000s-1200s CEMystical elements in the thought of Medieval rationalist Jewish philosophicaltheologians:
Judah Halevi
Judah Halevi[4]
Moses Maimonides[5]
Jewish Sufi piety1000s-1400s CEInfluence of Islamic Sufism on Jewish piety, including meditative experiential elements:
Abraham ben Maimonides letter, Cairo Genizah
Bahya ibn Paquda 1000s - Chovot HaLevavot (Duties of the Heart)
Abraham Maimonides and the "Jewish Sufis" of Cairo 1200s-1400s
Early Kabbalahc.1174-1200 CEEmergence of Kabbalistic mystical theosophy in Southern France. The Bahir, regarded in academia as the first Kabbalistic work, incorporates an earlier source text:
Sefer HaBahir sephirot
Sefer HaBahir (Book of Brightness)
School of Isaac the Blind
Chassidei Ashkenazc.1150-1250 CEMystical-ethical piety and speculative theory in Ashkenaz-Germany. Shaped by Merkabah-Hekhalot texts, Practical Kabbalah magical elements, Rhineland Crusader persecutions and German monastic values:
13th-century German Jews
Samuel of Speyer
Judah of Regensburg - Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pious)
Eleazar of Worms
Medieval Kabbalahdevelopmentc.1200-1492 CEAlternative philosophical vs. mythological interpretations of Kabbalistic theosophy: "Neoplatonic" quasi-philosophical hierachy, and Jewish-"Gnostic" mythological interest in the demonic motifs. Centred in Spain's Kabbalistic golden age:

Synagogue in Girona, Spain
  Early 1200s Girona neoplatonic school:
Azriel of Gerona
Nahmanides (Ramban) - Torah commentary

  1200s Castile gnostic school:
Treatise on the Left Emanation

Zohar first printing 1558
  The Zohar in Spain from c.1286:
Moses de León - Sefer HaZohar (Book of Splendour). Castile's gnostic culmination. Subsequent Zohar exegesis dominated other Medieval Kabbalah traditions

  Kabbalistic scholarship:
Joseph Gikatilla - Shaarei Orah (Gates of Light) c.1290 Spain
Sefer HaTemunah (Book of the Figure) 1200s-1300s influential doctrine in Kabbalah of Cosmic Cycles, later rejected by Cordovero and Luria[6]

Sefer Raziel HaMalakh
  Practical-magical Kabbalah:
Sefer Raziel HaMalakh
Medieval Propheticand MeditativeKabbalah1200s-1500s CEMedieval Meditative Kabbalah developed its own traditions.[7] Abraham Abulafia's meditative system of Prophetic Kabbalah, his alternative to the Theosophical Kabbalah, embodies the non-Zoharic ecstatic stream in Spanish Kabbalism:

Abraham Abulafia
  Abulafian Prophetic Kabbalah school:
Abraham Abulafia Mediterranean area late 1200s
Judah Albotini Jerusalem 1400s-1500s

  Other meditative methods:
Isaac of Acco 1300s
Joseph Tzayach Damascus and Jerusalem 1500s
Post-1492 andSafed Kabbalah1500s CETransition from esoteric Medieval Kabbalism to Kabbalah as a national messianicdoctrine, after 1492 Expulsion from Spain exile. Jewish renaissance of Palestine:

Meir ibn Gabbai 1500s early systemiser

Safed, Galilee
  Safed-Galilee Kabbalists:
Joseph Karo legalist and mystic
Shlomo Alkabetz
Moses Cordovero (Ramak) - Pardes Rimonim. Cordoverian systemisation of Medieval Kabbalah until 1570
Isaac Luria (the Ari) - new post-Medieval Lurianic systemisation taught 1570-1572
Hayim Vital main Lurianic compiler and other writings
Safed Meditative Kabbalah: Vital - Shaarei Kedusha (Gates of Holiness), Luria -Yichudim method
Maharal's mystical theology1500s CEMedieval Kabbalah expressed in non-Kabbalistic philosophical theology:
Grave of Maharal
Judah Loew (Maharal) Prague
Early Lurianic and post-medieval Kabbalism1500s-mid-1700s CELurianism, the second of Kabbalah's two systems of theosophy after Medieval-Cordoverian Kabbalah, incorporating dynamic myth of exile and redemption in divinity taught by Isaac Luria 1570-72, and other post-medieval Kabbalah trends:

Grave of Luria, Safed
  Disciples compile Kitvei Ari Lurianic thought:
Hayim Vital - Etz Hayim (Tree of Life)
Israel Sarug spread Lurianism in Europe
Lurianic exegesis and meditative methods dominated other post-medieval Kabbalah trends

  Popularising Kabbalistic Musar and homiletic literature 1550s-1750s:
Moses Cordovero - Tomer Devorah (Palm Tree of Deborah)
Eliyahu de Vidas - Reshit Chochmah (Beginning of Wisdom)
Isaiah Horowitz (Shelah) - Shnei Luchot HaBrit (Tablets of the Covenant) Central Europe

  Kabbalistic scholarship:
Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal) Italian early 1700s public dissemination of Kabbalah
Joseph Ergas

Baal Shem of London
  Central-Eastern Europe Practical Kabbalah:
Baal Shem
Sabbatean movements1665-c.1800 CEKabbalistic messianic-mystical antinomian heresy:
Sabbatai Zevi enthroned 1666
Sabbatai Zevi messianic claimant
Nathan of Gaza Sabbatean prophet
Moderate-crypto and radical-antinomian factions
Emden-Eybeschutz controversy and Rabbinic excommunication of Sabbateans
Sabbatean successors culminating in Jacob Frank-late 1700s Frankist nihilism
Early and formativeHasidic Judaism1730s-1850s CEEastern European mystical revival movement, popularising and psychologising Kabbalah through Panentheism and the Tzadik mystical leader. Neutralised messianic danger expressed in Sabbateanism:
Tomb of Baal Shem Tov and followers, Ukraine
Early Hasidism:
Israel ben Eliezer (Baal Shem Tov, Besht) founder of Hasidism
Dov Ber of Mezeritch (The Magid) systemiser and architect of Hasidism
Jacob Joseph of Polonne
Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev

Magid of Kozhnitz
  Main Hasidic schools of thought (mystics after 1850s shown later):

Mainstream Hasidic Tzadikism:
Elimelech of Lizhensk - Noam Elimelech (Pleasantness of Elimelech)
Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin (The Chozeh)

Chabad intellectual Hasidism - Russia:
Shneur Zalman of Liadi - Tanya (Likutei Amarim-Collected Words) theorist of Hasidism[8]
Aaron of Staroselye

Breslav imaginative Hasidism - Ukraine:
Nachman of Breslav - Likutei Moharan (Collected teachings)
Nathan of Breslav

Peshischa-Kotzk introspective Hasidism - Poland, mystical offshoot from:
Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica - Mei Hashiloach (Waters of Shiloah), personal illumination

Shivchei HaBesht
  Hasidic storytelling:
Shivchei HaBesht (Praises of the Besht) published 1814
Sippurei Ma'asiyot (Stories that were told) Nachman of Breslav's 13 mystical tales 1816
Later traditionalLurianic Kabbalah1700s CE-todayTraditionalist esoteric interpretations and practice of Lurianic Kabbalah from 1700s until today, apart from Hasidic adaptions:

Brody Kloiz and pre-Hasidic Hasidim circles in Eastern Europe. Introverted esotericism response to Sabbatean heresy

Vilna Gaon
  Mitnagdic-Lithuanian non-Hasidic Kabbalah:
Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman (Vilna Gaon, Gra) figurehead of Mitnagdim 1700s
Chaim of Volozhin - Nefesh HaChaim (Soul of Life) theorist of Mitnagdism,[8] founder ofYeshiva movement

Grave of Shalom Sharabi, Jerusalem
  Mizrahi-Sephardi Oriental Kabbalah:
Shalom Sharabi 1700s (from Yemen) and Beit El Synagogue (Jerusalem) introverted esotericism response to Sabbateanism. Lurianic explanation and elite meditation circle
Yosef Hayyim (Ben Ish Chai) 1800s Hakham Baghdad
Abuhatzeira Moroccan Kabbalist dynasty

  20th century Ashkenazi European Kabbalah (apart from Hasidic thought):
Shaar Hashamayim Yeshiva (Jerusalem)
Yehuda Ashlag 1900s Israel - HaSulam (The Ladder) Lurianic Zohar
Later Hasidic Judaism1850s CE-todayDynastic succession and modernising society turned Hasidism away from pre-1810s mystical revivalism, to post-1850s consolidation and rabbinic conservatism. Mystical focus continued in some schools:
Chachmei Lublin Hasidic Yeshiva
Chabad-Lubavitch - intellectual Hasidism communication
Zadok HaKohen late 1800s Izbica school
Aharon Roth early 1900s Jerusalem piety
Kalonymus Kalman Shapira response to Holocaust
Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Lubavitch Rebbe) Hasidic outreach and 1990s messianism
Breslav contemporary mystical revivalism
Neo-Hasidism and Neo-Kabbalahc.1900s CE-todayNon-Orthodox Jewish denominations' adapted spiritual teaching of Kabbalistic and Hasidic theology to modernist thought and interpretations:
Syncretic application of the Sephirot

Early 1900s:
Martin Buber existential Neo-Hasidism

Post War and contemporary:
Abraham Joshua Heschel Neo-traditional aggadic Judaism
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi Jewish Renewal
Arthur Green academic and theologian
Lawrence Kushner Reform Neo-Kabbalah

Influence on modern and postmodern Jewish philosophy:
Jewish existentialism
Postmodern Jewish philosophy[9]

Independent scholarship:
Sanford Drob - The New Kabbalah[10]
Zionist mysticismc.1910s CE-todayTeachings and influence of Rav Kook poetic mystic. Unity of religion and secularism,halakha and aggadah, activism and quietism:
Works of Abraham Isaac Kook
Abraham Isaac Kook Chief Rabbi Mandate Palestine
Atchalta De'Geulah religious Zionism
Academic study of Jewish mysticismc.1920s CE-todayCritical-historical study of Jewish mystical texts began in 1800s, but Gershom Scholem's school in the mid-1900s founded the methodological disciple in academia, returning mysticism to a central position in Jewish historiography and Jewish studies departments. Select historian examples:
Scholem collection, National Library of Israel

First generation:
Gershom Scholem discipline founder Hebrew University
Alexander Altmann American initiator

Second generation:
Moshe Idel Hebrew University revisionism
Joseph Dan Hebrew University Scholem chair

See also[edit]