From; Parent
To; Child
Dear Child,
I am writing this in disappointment.
Final and unexpected "REALITY"
came to me after encountering those two "Females"
in their early "50's" at that Taco Time.
Driving home, I couldn't wait to start this blog; I hope you'll read it
when you're much older.
I write all this in hopes to DOCUMENT all i know- so that
it'll help as a tool to KEEP YOU LEGALLY Guarded, to keep
you safe from unknown Abusers, to write down all I know so that
you'll understand me better; that someday you'll forgive me for my
mistakes resulting from my poor choices.
Anyhow; so the two women of Korean background
did not "REFLECT" those I envisioned from Grace Cho's book;
Haunting the Korean Diaspora.
I am going to lay out my core values and I hope it'll
help you why I have come to live in "this close-minded"
lifestyle starting now; Fall2013.
More sure than I have ever been in the last 40years alive;
I am dead-set on what I now know; I am not going
to allow any other human being to
edit my present-future beliefs.
So; reading Grace Cho's book helped me understand
Also, thanks to Grace Cho's book, I have come
to "NOT HATE" but rather "emphatize" and 'understand without hatred'
toward Koreans who choose to
earn income selling one's body.
That went out the window...Well, NOW I have
narrowed it down to specific population...I am more
clear on Whom to avoid and Whom to
approach in the KOREAN Community ( in US and/or in Korea).
It is from the PAST Deceits and Con-jobs I have
encountered among the KOREANs living
in KOREA and in US ( Hawaii, MASS, NH, WA, CA).
by finish reading "HAunting the KOREAN Diaspora"; I was able
to let go of some pains caused by KOREANs as well as by non-KOREANS
in KOREA and in the States.
However, It is UNFORGIVABLE the ignorance-the
PROFIT-FIRST-Trash response I have
observed by the two Koreans
in the "massage parlor line of work"
I have met at TACO TIME.
The two are part of the KOREAN DIASPORA- how
1910-1953 genocide/war-crimes
brainwashed the KOREAN population...
It would help for one to have
completed the book "Haunting the Korean Diaspora" by Grace Cho.
So even after pouring out all my empathy and patience; it was to no avail.
It was evident that these two "KOREAN MONSTERS" were
the VERY IGNORANT reason I HAVE been subjected
to IGNORANT-Backlash-discrimination all my LIFE!
So - these two had ZERO desires to learn-educate-better themselves.
They dressed ostantatiously.
They were shallow in conversation.
They were evident in their "MONEY-INCOME-USe/manipulate/deceive
for SOLE purpose of "CASH".
These two were not interested beyond
"MAKING Quick CASH in the Massage parlor
6Pm-2Pm shift without Conscience, guilt, indignity,
shame, criminalizing effect their role played
in portrayal of KOREAN-Diaspora like myself included
getting the butt of their IGNORANCE practiced so
openly in the COMMUNITY I live in."
There was no changing one's mind when it came to these
two shallow Korean sex workers.
Zero empathy on how their selfish-ignorant-work
gravely discriminated KOREAN generation
making efforts to LIVE without participating
in their line of work.
To NOT shun them but was willing to Agree to Disagree;
to show them compassion in order to
help them escape their "poor choices"; but NOPE.
I have better and more honest communication of INTELLIGENCE
and MORAL-understanding from a NON-KOREAN whom
I met after departing these two KOREANS.
1. Not all KOREANS can be treated equal.
2. Blog postings related martyrs
like my grandmother, my mother; those who
share my values are the only KOREANS and/or NON-Koreans
deadly CURSE passed down on generations of unknowing KOREANS
since 1910-1953 War Crimes.
3. I have an answer to the ignorant in the US that spit out;
"go home, you gook".
a. For one, you ignorant (I'd reply), GOOK in KOREAN
means "COUNTRY". Get that in your brain before using the
b. Secondly, I did NOT CHOOSE to be raised in the US.
Oh - And where were your ancestors from when US was
established in 1776?
You go back.
c. MOron.
d. How does one Time-Warp (Wrinkle in time)
to go BACK to 1776-to 1980-?
e. I would LOVE to go back to the time I was in S.KOREA.
Note that my 2006 visit to KOREA did not
mirror my image of KOREANS nor my mind's
KOREA before being abducted to the US.
f. Go Back? Sure - Get me that time machine and I will
gladly go back to my Grandmother in KOREA.
-----------------One must think and know all that's involved before
uttering sheer ignorance, eh?
4. I am in no competition with my peers. I only
try my best; I try to educate myself- I try daily
to be better. That gives me and my efforts
justification when I reply to IGNORANT Hater.
5. I as of this BLOG am no longer living
NO MORE listening to others and trying
to re-invent myself to FIT INTO a dysfunctional
community of individuals FAR different from
what I recall of my Grandmother's teachings thru
her actions. In my young mind, I do not
recall her speaking. But I recall the warmth, the caring,
the unconditional "GOOD" exuding from her.
6. KOREAN Grandmother and the KOREA
in my child's mind DOES NOT mirror
practiced so SHAMEFULLY
by Trashy KOREANS around military bases
and its neighboring cities unrelated to the US MILITARY community.
7. As of this post, I have clear picture in THIS NOT SO CLEAR
SOCIETY I try my best to coexist in...
a. I have blacklist full of those KOREANS who have used my kindeness,
stoled from me, have ended up in jail due to my COURT-pursuits in recovering
my dignity without ever recovering my financial losses from rentals, my
updated list is full of KOREANS who have strayed
far from the "KOREAN Grandmother" who've
raised me before my UNWarranted Abduction to US;
The tearful discriminations and isolations during the last 40years of
abused life is my "BLACKLIST" I use as a BADGE to
ward off those hopelessly ignorant evils like the "VERY 2 KOREAN Sex
Slaves" from Taco TIME.
b. The disappointment and anger that followed
the departure of the "2 KOREAn sex workers" from taco time
has left an impressional conclusion wrapping up
my last 40years.
c. NO MORE. I have paid my unwarranted dues in my last 40 years.
d. From this post on; from now on, I will shun and close off
from ever showing empathy nor ever -EVER-give time of the day
to the sex workers like the 2 KOREANS I have met at Taco Time.
e. Note- of all the Fast Food Franchise; the very reason
I spend my dollars at this branch is because
i admire the KOREAN gent in his last 50's working
there. I had just happened to visit
this branch and since then have gone
out of my way to make it my destination of choice
in giving "moral support" to this KOREAn GENT
working at minimum wage ; choosing to work
when surrounded by SHALLOW-MONEY-WHORING-
look-bad; like the very two KOREAN sex slaves with
zero display of worth.
f. From this post ON, I have a very clear picture in this
UNPREDICTABLY opaque Society i live in; In my neighborhood,
I have concluded the "Blacklisted" are not going to change
but rather jump at the opportunity to "Con" me once again...
g. I will make it my lifetime mission to "update this
blacklist" of trash (KOREAN and/or Non-KOREAN)
who have Conned me and will make sure
they'll never poison me nor those around me ever again...Misery
will consequently follow their actions and I WILL APPLAUD
their misery for every action they've UNETHICAL chose
to carry out. I will NOT help the TRASH-leading-immortals
like the two KOREAN sex slaves I have met at TACO-TIME.
In contrast, I will "APPLAUD-and-Morally-Praise" the hard-working
KOREANS like the Korean Gentleman
in his 50's working for minimum wage at that TACO TIME.
In my mind- I envision the HORRORs-the unmentional
hardships-the unmentionable DISCRIMINATIONS
this gentleman silently lived through during his
stay in the US; but I will take part it
visiting this very TACO TIME to help
him best I can; I will be that
KOREAN-Fan who can speak in
PERFECT-US-West Coast English
'educating' Taco-Time employees WHY I admire this
KOREAN Gent for his work at this TACO TIME.
I do this so that
MY CHILD WILL NEVER be ashamed nor be
abused for being born to a KOREAN Parent.
That I hope to show my CHILD
how honorable it is to be of KOREAN descent rather
than the dysfunctional "non-Korean Norman-North France diaspora"
that has caused more pain-abuse-without-repent; much
equivalent to the TWO KOREAN sex slaves
I met at Taco TIME...Nauseating....
Sin is not a sin when unknowingly acted...Sin is
a SIN when ONE commits the crime with full knowledge...
The easy-trashy-CASH hoarded by the
two KOREAN-sex-slaves had
zero desire to better themselves; had
zero thought into how their
lifestyle of CHEAP-Trashy-Quick cash
leads to constant DISCRIMINATION haunting
generations of KOREAN DIASPORA
far from partipating nor being aware of such lifestyle
as CHOSEN way of life by the likes of these
two KOREAN sex slaves from TACO TIME!
The two DID NOT care nor empathize beyond
their own trashy-life. Zero committment to contribute
in SOcial-Contribution!
Ignorance is one.
But not even trying to
educate one's self is UNFORGIVABLE!
Not being able to see
the consequences and one's
Those having to LIVE the consequences
of HARSH reality following one's choices are
left alone to LIVE in their chosen misery. I for one
WILL NOT help but rather standby.
I have given/lost last 40 years being victimized by
trusting the 'good' that my exist; only to be
disappointed and hurt by the very theft
by Korean landlords, Koreans I have helped pro-bono,
as well as KOREANS requesting help. NO MORE.
I am wiser and I am more sure than ever before
on whom I will selectively "applaud"/'befriend'.
Interesting how I am unable to escaped the
fact of being raised in the States.
Though I have Korean roots through my Korean Grandmother;
I have lived accustomed to the
LIFESTYLE as I lead; not with KOREAN Community but
living in non-Korean Community dissecting it while
promoting KOREAn-Education.
I am the unrecognized KOREAn-Promoter among
non-Koreans in hopes that awareness
and knowledge would equate
who are no less to non-KOREANS.
I hope to make daily efforts in sharing
Korean HISTORY with non-Koreans
in my community so that I may live
PEACEFULLY and Equally
without playing the 'superiority-nonsense'
with Non-koreans treating Korean-Diaspora
of Korean Adoptees and US-raised KOREANS
as 'price tagged slaves' proganda brainwashing
initiated by Jap-USA-Truman/USA-JFK haunting
generations of innocent KOREANs like myself.
True Testimonial.
I will be happy to hear of happy and fairly tale adoption stories contradicting
my painful 40 years in the states living as a Korean Diaspora.
Yet, I will not be mute nor be powerless any more; I will
to speak out about my experiences
equivalent to
Sweden-adopted-Korean Susanne Brinkle ( She
is portrayed in 1980's film;
Susanne Brink's Arirang).
I was victimized and I will live out my life
sharing my 40 years of
pain; IN HOPES that my daughter
will not be bullied nor hate-crime-targetted
in her community.
I would like to raise
my child in a community
that will 'step up' to
practice 'zero-tolerance' to Abuse.
I will make daily attempts
in order to make it a SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD
for my child.
I will hope to update this blog "documenting"
REAL-LIFe cases I witness.
This posting is in hopes that my child and
her peers will be "spared" ignorant
HATE-Crimes that victimized me for 40years.
I hope that when my child grows up
to read these posting; that I have made an
Academic/Intellectual difference in her life
so that she may learn to
"choose GOOD" over "BAD"
on her own.
My daughter.
My sunshine.
My saving grace.
My gift.
I dedicate this post to my DAUGHTER.
Daughter, I love you with my whole being.
Thank you for being by guardian angel.
G-d Bless us ALL!