1884- Birth of Louis B. Mayer; He was born Lazar Meir, possibly on July 12, 1884, to a Jewish family in Minsk,Russian Empire.[1][4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_B._Mayer
was an American film producer. He is generally cited as the creator of the "star system" within Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) in its golden years. He was one of the founders of AMPAS famous for its "Oscars"Academy Award.[2] Known always as Louis B. Mayer and often simply as "L.B.", he believed in wholesome entertainment and went to great lengths so that MGM had "more stars than there are in the heavens"
1887-Mayer first moved with his family to Rhode Island, where they lived from 1887 to 1892;
He was born Lazar Meir, possibly on July 12, 1884, to a Jewish family in Minsk,Russian Empire.[1][4] His parents were Jacob Meir and Sarah Meltzer and he had two sisters—Yetta, born in 1878, and Ida, born in 1883. Mayer first moved with his family to Rhode Island, where they lived from 1887 to 1892 and where his two brothers were born—Rubin, in April 1888,[5] and Jeremiah, in April 1891.Then, they moved to Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada and Mayer attended school there which he did not enjoy very much.[7] His father started a scrap metalbusiness, J. Mayer & Son.
1896-US State-Indiana's Birth of Lew Wasserman of MCA Mogul; aka Hollywood King;julius caesar stein; son of Lithuanian jew who's fled to Canada entered US sometime in 1870s before start of WWI.
*Jews in USA were called, "Jew-Killers" and "LOUIS STEIN" grew up in INDIANA where KuKluxKlan
was established. "LOUIS Stein and his wife ROSA COHEN-Kahanaski" raised Three Boys and Two Girls.
Rosa Cohen-Kahanaski was daughter of a Rabbi and resented her arranged marriage to Louis Stein.
Unlike the RESPONSIBLE and HARD WORKING LOUIS Stein, JULES Stein (son of Louis Stein)
was opposite of his father.
Though fair and hard-working, Louis Stein was stern and unkind to his son Jules Stein by criticizing
antique furniture built by Jules. Wealth-hungry Jules Stein(Musical-fiddler player) was Mentor to Lew Wasserman!
In 1904, the 19-year-old Mayer left Saint John forBoston, where he continued for a time in the scrap metal business, married, and took a variety of odd jobs to support his family when his junk business lagged.
1905-Birth of Edith (Edie) Mayer (1905-1987); Daughter born to MGM Mogul Louis B. Mayer.
1907-Brookly NY Birth of Irene Mayer Selznick ; Daughter of MGM Mogul Louis B. Mayer;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irene_Mayer_Selznick ( In 1930, Irene Mayer married David Selznick to a Jewish family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he was the son of silent movie distributor Lewis J. Selznick and Florence A. (Sachs) Selznick. Selznick added the "O" to his name later on a whim.[1]; Producer of Gone with the WIND).1907;Mayer renovated the Gem Theater, a rundown, 600 seat burlesque house in Haverhill, Massachusetts,[8] which he reopened on November 28, 1907;on November 28, 1907 as the Orpheum, his first movie theater. To overcome the unfavorable reputation that the building once had in the community, Mayer decided to debut with the showing of a religious film. Years later, Mayer would say that the premiere at the Orpheum was From the Manger to the Cross,[9] although most sources place the release date of that film as 1912.
History of Belarusian states can be traced far to Principality of Polotsk. From 13th century lands of modern Belarus were a major part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which later became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 19th century Belarus together with Lithuania formed the Northwestern Krai of Russian Empire. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a short-lived Belarusian National Republic, and in 1922 Belarus became part of the USSR as Belarusian SSR. In 1991, Belarus regained its independence.
Korean independence movement | |
19th and 20th century righteous armies.The Korean independence movement was a military and diplomatic campaign to achieve the independence of Korea from the Empire of Japan. After the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910, local resistance in Korea culminated in the March 1st Movement in 1919, which was crushed and sent Korean leaders to flee into China...with the rise of Western imperialism boosted by the Industrial Revolution and other major international trends, the weakening of China also made Korea vulnerable to foreign maneuvering and encroachment, both as a target in and of itself and as a stepping-stone to the "larger prize" of China. This period (roughly from 1870 until annexation by Japan in 1910) was marked in Korea by major upheavals, many intrigues, the inability of Joseon Korea(Northern Korea-Manchu) and the later Empire of Korea(Shilla of Kyongsahngdoe & Baekje of Jeolla and Jeju Island) to right itself amidst all of the manuevering around it by larger powers (including, but not limited to,Imperial Russia, Japan, China, and to a lesser extent France, Great Britain, and the United States);
Korea and Korean property of Manchu was once invaded by Jap before being invaded again in 1910; Japanese invasions of Korea from 1592-98 as well as the First and Second Manchu invasions of Korea).
1911- Son of LOUIS Stein; Jules Stein (Musical Jules Stein's protegee was Lew Wasserman) in 1911 enrolled in an Indiana Academy to eventually
enroll in Univ of West Virginia ; at AGE 17, JULES Stein moved to Univ of CHICAGO.
*LOUIS STEIN created "Lew Wasserman".
1913; Musical-fiddler playing JULES Stein was in Chicago during WW1 Music Era. New Orleans'
s e x brothels were closed down and Jazz established in New Orleans re-established in Chicago
during the WW1.
1914; Mayer profits; In 1914, the partners organized their own film distribution agency in Boston. Mayer paid D.W. Griffith $25,000 for the exclusive rights to show The Birth of a Nation (1915) in New England. Although Mayer made the bid on a film that one of his scouts had seen, but he had not, his decision netted him over $100,000.
1916;Mayer partnered with Richard A. Rowland in 1916 to createMetro Pictures Corporation, a talent booking agency, in New York City.
1918- Belarus gained independence
Belarusian National Republic (1918–1920)
Declared an Imperial Japanese protectorate in 1905 (Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905), and officially annexed in 1910 (Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty), the Empire of Japan brought to a close the Joseon Dynasty; though these treaties were ultimately declared "already null and void" by the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea in 1965.[7]
This ratio increased steadily; during the years 1916, 1920, and 1932, the ratio of Japanese land ownership increased from 36.8 to 39.8 to 52.7 percent. Conversely, the ratio of Korean ownership decreased from 63.2 to 60.2 to 47.3 percent. The level of tenancy was similar to that of farmers in Japan itself; however, in Korea, the landowners were mostly Japanese, while the tenants were all Koreans. As was often the case in Japan itself, tenants were forced to pay over half their crop as rent, forcing many to send wives and daughters into factories or prostitution so they could pay taxes.[26]
1913-It was a quantum leap from very humble beginnings. Lew R. Wasserman was born on March 22, 1913, in Cleveland. His parents, Isaac and Minnie, were immigrants from Russia who failed time and again in their efforts to run a small restaurant profitably. While still in high school -- his education went no further -- he worked as an usher from afternoon until almost midnight. In those days, movie theaters booked touring vaudeville acts between film showings, so the young Mr. Wasserman was able to meet future radio, film and television stars like Eddie Cantor and Edgar Bergen.
1918-Two years later, Mayer moved to Los Angeles and formed his own production company, Louis B. Mayer Pictures Corporation. The first production was 1918's Virtuous Wives.[13] A partnership was set up with B. P. Schulberg to make the Mayer-Schulberg Studio.
1920's;Eighteenth Amendment banning alcohol became law. He (MCA's Jules Stein)and thousands of others marked the occasion on the night of January 15, 1920; "Mr. Stein was friends with A1 Capone," said Charles Harris, Stein's butler and confidant for the final forty years of his life. "Four or five of his bands played Capone's speakeasies." Though he would learn from their tactics and make deals with the devils who ran the nightclubs and brothels, Jules Stein maintained that he was neither a gangster nor a down-and-dirty bluesman. Jules had worked too long and too hard to be recognized as anything other than a respectable professional man, and that was the image he cultivated, even though he was increasingly forced to deal with gangsters. He had stumbled upon the band-booking business purely by accident. Only after years of booking weddings and bar mitzvahs did he venture into the netherworld of nightclubs.
1921-Jules stein, musician of Chicago during WW1, Medical School Student-took
time off to visit Vienna before re-entering Chicago as apprentice of Eye-specialist when he wasn't
accepted at Harvard for further medical school study.
1924 Jules Stein's unemployed Kansas City lawyer; (
Jules stein's older brother) ;brother turned Jazz Night Club Band was Jules Stein's
first business entry into MUSIC BUSINESS. Soon, MCA was established
between Jules Stein and business equal Goodheart. It was a corporation in name only. It became the real thing on May 24, 1924, when Stein hired a pair of Chicago lawyers to incorporate (MCA).
Founded in 1924 by Chicago ophthalmologist Jules Stein, MCA was by far the richest and most influential dance band agency in the world, with ties to both James C. Petrillo’s American Federation of Musicians and Al Capone’s skein of nightclubs, brothels and gambling halls.
1924- Mayer's big breakthrough, however, was in April 1924 when Marcus Loew, owner of the Loew's chain, merged Metro Pictures, Samuel Goldwyn's Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, and Mayer Pictures into Metro-Goldwyn. Loew had bought Metro and Goldwyn some months before, but could not find anyone to oversee his new holdings on the West Coast. Mayer, with his proven success as a producer, was an obvious choice. He was named head of studio operations and a Loew's vice president, based in Los Angeles, reporting to Loew's longtime right-hand man Nicholas Schenck. He would hold this post for the next 27 years. Before the year was out, Mayer added his name to the studio with Loew's blessing, renaming itMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
1920's;Eighteenth Amendment banning alcohol became law. He (MCA's Jules Stein)and thousands of others marked the occasion on the night of January 15, 1920; "Mr. Stein was friends with A1 Capone," said Charles Harris, Stein's butler and confidant for the final forty years of his life. "Four or five of his bands played Capone's speakeasies." Though he would learn from their tactics and make deals with the devils who ran the nightclubs and brothels, Jules Stein maintained that he was neither a gangster nor a down-and-dirty bluesman. Jules had worked too long and too hard to be recognized as anything other than a respectable professional man, and that was the image he cultivated, even though he was increasingly forced to deal with gangsters. He had stumbled upon the band-booking business purely by accident. Only after years of booking weddings and bar mitzvahs did he venture into the netherworld of nightclubs.
1921-Jules stein, musician of Chicago during WW1, Medical School Student-took
time off to visit Vienna before re-entering Chicago as apprentice of Eye-specialist when he wasn't
accepted at Harvard for further medical school study.
1924 Jules Stein's unemployed Kansas City lawyer; (
Jules stein's older brother) ;brother turned Jazz Night Club Band was Jules Stein's
first business entry into MUSIC BUSINESS. Soon, MCA was established
between Jules Stein and business equal Goodheart. It was a corporation in name only. It became the real thing on May 24, 1924, when Stein hired a pair of Chicago lawyers to incorporate (MCA).
Founded in 1924 by Chicago ophthalmologist Jules Stein, MCA was by far the richest and most influential dance band agency in the world, with ties to both James C. Petrillo’s American Federation of Musicians and Al Capone’s skein of nightclubs, brothels and gambling halls.
1924- Mayer's big breakthrough, however, was in April 1924 when Marcus Loew, owner of the Loew's chain, merged Metro Pictures, Samuel Goldwyn's Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, and Mayer Pictures into Metro-Goldwyn. Loew had bought Metro and Goldwyn some months before, but could not find anyone to oversee his new holdings on the West Coast. Mayer, with his proven success as a producer, was an obvious choice. He was named head of studio operations and a Loew's vice president, based in Los Angeles, reporting to Loew's longtime right-hand man Nicholas Schenck. He would hold this post for the next 27 years. Before the year was out, Mayer added his name to the studio with Loew's blessing, renaming itMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
During 1920's Great Depression; As a studio boss, Louis B. Mayer built MGM into the most financially successful motion picture studio in the world and the only one to pay dividends throughout theGreat Depression. Although he initially got along well with production chief Irving Thalberg, their relationship soon frayed over philosophical differences. Thalberg preferred literary works over the crowd-pleasers Mayer wanted.
Belarusian National Republic in Exile (1920–1992)[edit]
In 1925, the Japanese government established the Korean History Compilation Committee (조선사편수회, 朝鮮史編修會), and it was administered by the Governor General of Korea and engaged in collecting of Korean historical materials and compilation of Korean history".[27] The Committee distorted the ancient Korean history to validate Japanese colonization of Joseon.[28] The ancient Korean history was distorted by the Committee and as follows; i) Korean history was only part of Korean peninsula history (Korean history had never rule over Manchuria),[citation needed][28] ii) North Korean peninsula was the colony of China by Chinese Commanderies,[28] iii) South Korean peninsula was the colony of Japan by Mimana Nihonfu (任那日本府).[28]
The Japanese Government conducted excavations of archeological sites and preserved artifacts found there.[29] Since many of the Japanese ideas were not supported by archeology, Japan decided to demonstrate their theories by moving a stone monument (棕蟬縣神祠碑), which was originally located at Liaodong, into Pyongyang,[30] and then distorted the location of Chinese commanderies such that they existed in Pyongyang. All these actions are viewed as an effort by Japan to destroy the ancient culture of Korea.
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1920–1991)[edit]
First secretaries of the Byelorussian Communist Party
1926; Jules Stein's MCA -Music Mogul- made BILLBOARD ad in 1926.
Jules Stein's MCA success is in credit to; Gaetano Alberto "Guy" Lombardo was a Canadian-American bandleader and violinist. Forming "The Royal Canadians" in 1924 with his brothers Carmen, Lebert, and Victor and other musicians from his hometown of London, Canada.
1927-Loew died in 1927, and Schenck became president of Loew's. Mayer and Schenck hated each other intensely; Mayer reportedly referred to his boss, whose name was pronounced "Skenk," as "Mr. Skunk" in private.[14] Two years later, Schenck agreed to sell Loew's — and MGM — to William Fox, which angered Mayer. But despite his important role in MGM, Mayer was not a shareholder, and had no standing to challenge the sale. So he instead used his Washington connections to persuade the Justice Department to delay the merger on antitrust grounds. During the summer of 1929, Fox was severely injured in an auto accident. By the time he recovered, the stock market crash had wiped out his fortune, destroying any chance of the deal going through even if the Justice Department had lifted its objections. Nonetheless, Schenck believed Mayer had cost him a fortune and never forgave him, causing an already frigid relationship to get even worse.
1927-In Chicago, Music Mogul Jules Stein's MCA signs Wayne King's Band.
Jules Stein was only motivated by Money.
Irish-Italian connected bodyguard Mickey Rockford guarded Jules Stein
but Rockford was aware of his dispensibility.
1928- Jules Stein of MCA married Doris Jones Oppenheim of Kansas City,Mo.(Doris Oppenheim
was married to Crysler-Insurance businessman Oppenheim by age 18; Doris was
married to twelve years older Oppenheim) someone's wife before marrying Jules Stein.
Jules Stein got plastic surgery on her nose and boobs to transform
from ex-Oppenheim housewife to wife of Jules Stein of MCA.
Mr. Oppenheim never remarried and passed away in his hometown Missouri
ten years after divorcing Doris.
1928-MCA branched out to Nationwide. Moved from Chicago to MOb-Controlled
New York's hotels-Nightclub by MCA's Stein-Goodheart.
TV-NBC was wealthier than poor TV-CBS.
That is until MCA partnered with CBS. CBS earned wealth as much
as MCA gaining notariety thru CBS.
1928-As a delegate to the 1928 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Louis B. Mayer supported Secretary of CommerceHerbert Hoover of California. Mayer became friends with Joseph R. Knowland, Marshall Hale, and James Rolph, Jr. Joseph Schenck was an alternate delegate at the convention.
1930's; Louis Armstrong, after his CHICAGO Night Club performance barely
escaped a "mobster"; fleeing to New Orleans and then to Europe. One of the Chicago Mob
was accessible by Otto Roth in preventing "LOUIS-Armstrong-like-singers"
from escaping "Otto Roth" initiated Contracts.
1930- Following high school graduation in 1930, Wasserman worked for Cleveland’s infamous Mayfield Road Gang operating a casino. He met and married Edith Beckerman, only daughter of Mob lawyer Henry Beckerman,
1931-Active in Republican Party politics, Mayer served as the vice chairman of the California Republican Party from 1931 to 1932, and as its state chairman between 1932 and 1933.
1932-;Thalberg preferred literary works over the crowd-pleasers Mayer wanted. He ousted Thalberg as production chief in 1932 while Thalberg was recovering from a heart attack and replaced him with producer David O. Selznick, among others, until Thalberg's death in 1936; 1932-L.B(aka Louis B. Mayer) was a delegate to the 1932 Republican National Convention with fellow California Republicans Joseph R. Knowland, James Rolph, Jr. and Earl Warren. Mayer endorsed the second term of President Herbert Hoover.
1933;(JEW Louis Mayer of MGM was pro-Nazi-hitler-Germany in 1933) Harvard scholar Ben Urwand, when he was a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, he discovered an interview with screenwriter Budd Schulberg indicating that
*Mayer used to meet with a German consul in Los Angeles to discuss cuts to MGM's movies.
In his forthcoming book entitled;
"The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact With Hitler" (October 2013),
Urwand documents how
in 1933 Mayer and MGM dumped a planned anti-Nazi movie called The Mad Dog of Europe, with Mayer stating, "We have terrific income in Germany and, as far as I am concerned, this picture will never be made".[23]
1936- Hollywood's LEW Wasserman was married to Edith "Edie" Beckerman who was also Jewish. They had one child, a daughter, Lynne Kay Wasserman.
Edith "Edie" Beckerman; aka First Lady of HOllywood.
--Lew Wasserman, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, rose from talent agent to CEO of MCA and president of Universal Studios, he was dubbed the de facto “King of Hollywood” from 1950's to 1990's.
1936-In 1936, he took over public relations for a Cleveland nightclub. Most of its bookings were made through an agency called the Music Corporation of America, which was founded in 1924 by Dr. Jules Stein, an ophthalmologist. Dr. Stein hired Mr. Wasserman on the recommendation of executives who were impressed by his efficient yet sympathetic handling of their clients. At MCA, Mr. Wasserman did so well that he was entrusted with the most delicate tasks -- like ensuring that the agency's top client at the time, the bandleader Tommy Dorsey, would go on stage even if he had been drinking only hours before a show.
1936-when the casino went bankrupt in 1936, the Wassermans moved to Chicago where he became a talent agent for the Music Corporation of America (MCA-working for Jules Stein).
Money-motivated JULES Stein mentored and created the Mogul Louis-Lew Wasserman
dynasty in Hollywood.
1937's tie between Future Prez Reagan and MCA-Jules Stein;When Stein moved his headquarters from Chicago to Beverly Hills in 1937, Wasserman rose quickly among the ranks in MCA’s drive to monopolize motion picture, stage and radio talent. Among Wasserman’s earliest clients were Bette Davis, John Garfield, Jane Wyman, Betty Grable, and future President Ronald Reagan. Wasserman cemented their lifelong friendship when he negotiated one of Hollywood’s first $1 million movie contracts on Reagan’s behalf in 1941 with Warner Brothers Studios.
1938-In 1938, Mr. Wasserman and his wife, Edie, the former Edith Beckerman, moved to California, where Dr. Stein wanted MCA to expand its agency business beyond bands and vaudeville performers to film stars and directors. Two years later, the Wassermans' only child, Lynne Kay, was born. She was named after the band leader Kay Kyser, an MCA client. Mr. Wasserman is survived by his wife and daughter and two grandchildren.
1939; RON MEYER ;Universal President and COO Ron Meyer; http://www.deadline.com/2012/06/universals-ron-meyer-to-ucla-grads-ask-questions-assume-nothing-find-an-agent/
said; My mother and father were German Jews who escaped Nazi Germany in 1939, and immigrated to the United States and ultimately Los Angeles.
1940; Birth of Lynne Kay Wasserman (b. October 18, 1940) ;Parents were Lew Wasserman and Edith Beckerman. Lew R. Wasserman, the former chairman and chief executive of the Music Corporation of America, who was arguably the most powerful and influential Hollywood titan in the four decades after World War II, until his death in 2002 at Beverly Hills.
1941; Wasserman cemented their lifelong friendship when he negotiated one of Hollywood’s first $1 million movie contracts on Reagan’s behalf in 1941 with Warner Brothers Studios.
..same year, Edie Wasserman bore Lew (aka Louis Wasserman; Jules Stein's protegee)
his only child, daughter Lynne Wasserman. He spent scant time at home through the rest of the decade, devoting his energies instead to building Stein’s MCA into the overweening talent powerhouse in the English-speaking world.
1941-Reagan was nominated in a special election for the position of president and subsequently elected.[43] He was subsequently chosen by the membership to serve seven additional one-year terms, from 1947 to 1952 and in 1959.[43] Reagan led SAG through eventful years that were marked by labor-management disputes, the Taft-Hartley Act, House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) hearings and theHollywood blacklist era.[43]
1942-Ronald Reagan (40th US Prez) was called to serve in the military; but
due to his near-sightedness, was assigned as an enlisted and then by the time
he finished his military assignment in CA and in NY with Officer Ranks til
end of WW2 in 1945.
1944; birth of Ronald Meyer; Ron Meyer (b. 1944) is an American entertainment executive and former talent agentPresident of Universal Studios http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Meyer.
Ron Meyer was born to Jewish immigrant parents who escaped Nazi Germany.[1]His family's love for film influenced him at an early age
My father was a travelling ladies dress salesman, and I was raised in a very modest but loving home.
My parents had hoped I would go to college, get a degree, and a job. To their disappointment, at 15 years old I dropped out of high school. I spent my days doing odd jobs, boxing, shooting pool and getting into trouble. They were proud and relieved when at 17 ½, I joined the Marine Corps.
In the Marines I got the measles and while I was in quarantine, my mother sent me a care package, which included a book entitled “The Flesh Peddlers.”
1946-By 1946, Mr. Wasserman had risen to president of MCA. Dr. Stein retained his chairmanship but allowed the hard-charging Mr. Wasserman, who put in 16-hour days, seven days a week, to virtually run the growing company. Mr. Wasserman insisted that MCA agents rid themselves of their image of ''flesh peddlers,'' to use his own phrase. Instead of plaid suits and bright-colored shirts, he made them dress as he did -- dark suits, white shirts, dark narrow ties, black oxfords -- and emulate his long work hours, keeping themselves available to clients at any time.
1945-After World War II, MCA's client list grew to include almost every major actor. Mr. Wasserman brought them on board by providing for their welfare in ways large and small. He managed to keep out of the news Clark Gable's arrests for drunken driving and Betty Grable's premarital pregnancy and hurried wedding to Harry James.
by 1946;By 1946, a merger Wasserman brokered with Broadway talent lord Leland Hayward catapulted both MCA and Wasserman into Hollywood’s stratosphere. Stein named him MCA President at the age of 36 – the youngest chieftain of a major talent agency with power to make or break careers on a par with that of any of the legendary studio moguls, including Jack Warner, Paramount’s Adolph Zukor or MGM’s Louis B. Mayer. Under Wasserman, MCA became known as “The Octopus” because its tentacles extended into every aspect of the entertainment business and its agents were called the “Men in Black” because they all wore the Wasserman “uniform”: dark suit, white shirt, dark tie.
1948-In 1948, United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. (1948), a Supreme Court decision severed the connection between film studios and the movie theater chains that showed their films (though it would be another six years before Loew's sold majority control of MGM). The introduction of television and changing public tastes, also reduced MGM's prestige.
1940s-1950's; In his role as MCA president, Wasserman proved his prescience by creating Revue Productions in the late 1940s to produce most of early television’s programs throughout the 1950s, including General Electric Theater, hosted by Ronald Reagan.
1950s; Lew Wasserman; In the 1950's, he forced a reluctant Hollywood to accept television, then a new medium, as a potential cash cow rather than as a feared competitor.
But it was Mr. Wasserman's successful assault on the seven-year contract system that endeared him most to many stars. He used Bette Davis as his vehicle, backing her decision to walk out on Warner Brothers in 1950. Jack Warner, the head of the studio, threatened to have Ms. Davis blackballed in Hollywood. But that same year, Mr. Wasserman landed her the lead in 20th Century Fox's ''All About Eve'' for $130,000 -- almost a record amount at the time for an actress.
1950's;During the 1950s, Wasserman also turned film stars into independent contractors. He made actor Jimmy Stewart a millionaire with a single role in Universal Pictures’ Winchester ’73. By taking his salary in the form of profit participation instead of a paycheck, Stewart paved the way for actors, directors, producers and writers to leverage their celebrity at the negotiating table. Similarly, Wasserman formed independent production companies for stars like Jack Benny, Alfred Hitchcock, Errol Flynn and dozens of other MCA clients, allowing them to minimize taxes while exploiting their star salaries and expanding their influence in movie production.
1951-By 1951, MGM had gone three years without a major Academy Award, which provoked further conflict between Mayer and Schenck.
1952-But in 1952, Mr. Wasserman obtained from the Screen Actors Guild a blanket exemption from union rules that forbade talent agencies from involving themselves in production. It helped that Ronald Reagan was president of the guild at the time: he was an MCA client grateful to Mr. Wasserman for having recently negotiated a long-term million-dollar contract for him with a studio.
1952-Edith Wasserman was most widely known and honored as a discerning philanthropist, who was instrumental in establishing the foundation bearing the couple’s name in 1952.
Large grants by the Wasserman Foundation focused on the areas of health, arts and culture, education, and global initiatives.
1958-In 1958, MCA bought Universal's back lot for $11.3 million -- a formidable coup not only for film and television production work, but also because it sprawled over 367 acres of almost undeveloped Los Angeles real estate.
1960's; Lew Wasserman; In the 1960's, he demonstrated the political influence that Hollywood could wield by organizing huge fund-raising campaigns, particularly for the Democratic Party
;By 1960, MCA had been nicknamed the Octopus by resentful rival studios and agencies, and Washington began to take notice.
As Screen Actors Guild president, Reagan oversaw an MCA waiver of SAG bylaws which forbids talent agencies from engaging in TV or film production. The secret waiver gave MCA the advantage of selling stars at the same time that its Revue Production arm hired them, but by the time the waiver came to light in 1960, Wasserman and his army of agents had secured MCA’s position as the most powerful and affluent force in the entertainment industry.
1961; Lew Wasserman; facing an antitrust suit, MCA agreed to give up its talent agency and keep the rest of its entertainment business, including Universal, Revue and Decca Records, which it had recently acquired. MCA could afford to lose the talent agency -- it accounted for only $8.5 million of the company's net income in 1961, compared with production profits of more than $72 million.
1962- Lew Wasserman(Hollywood) purchasedUniversal Studios and Decca Records in 1962 and merged them with MCA; In 1962, the Justice Department under Robert Kennedy as attorney general began antitrust proceedings against the company. At first, Mr. Wasserman fought back, organizing demonstrations and petitions from pro-MCA unions representing more than 20,000 Hollywood employees; In 1962, a lengthy federal Department of Justice investigation into MCA’s monopolistic practices resulted in a face-off between Wasserman and Attorney General Robert Kennedy. In order to avoid criminal and civil penalties for alleged anti-trust violations, MCA divested itself of its talent agency at the same time that the company bought struggling Universal Pictures and Decca Records. Literally overnight, MCA quit the talent business and created the largest entertainment assembly line in Hollywood. Building on its Revue library of detective shows, westerns, situation comedies, and specials, MCA and Wasserman transformed the moribund Universal Pictures into Universal Studios: the largest and busiest lot in Hollywood.
1966- In 1966, he(Lew Wasserman;Hollywood) singlehandedly installed Jack Valentias head of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Together they orchestrated and controlled much of how Hollywood operated, and was allowed to do business, for the next several decades.
1969-Hollywood mogul Wasserman taking over "Jules Stein Dynasty";controlled US Presidents from JFK to Reagan;
(all JFK,Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton , Ronald Reagan);
Wasserman succeeded Stein as MCA chairman in 1969, expanding his role beyond Hollywood to Washington D.C. and every corner of the globe. During this period MCA expanded its influence to publishing (Putnam/Berkley), retail stores (Spencer’s Gifts), banking (Columbia Savings and Loan) and even Yosemite National Park, where MCA monopolized concessions. At its height, MCA had offices in 42 countries and beginning with John F. Kennedy, Wasserman became consigliere and a major contributor to Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and, of course, Ronald Reagan.
1970's; Lew Wasserman; And in the 1970's, his deft marketing of Steven Spielberg's 1975 ''Jaws'' and other movies was credited with creating the summer blockbuster.The 1970's were another boom era for MCA and Mr. Wasserman. In television, he pioneered production of the mini-series and one-hour police dramas.
1973;Nonetheless, his many admirers felt Mr. Wasserman fully deserved his 1973 special Oscar for humanitarianism. It was given for his philanthropy and his involvement in promoting civil rights. Mr. Wasserman was a generous contributor to Jewish causes and gave so much to Catholic charities that Pope John Paul II asked to meet with him during his visit to Los Angeles in 1987.
1979- Assasination of Korean Prez Park who encouraged Unification of KOREA despite
US's objections led to 1980-1987 Korea's worst victimization of Korean citizens since 1910-1953 genocide-war crimes.
1979;Reagan escalated the Cold War, accelerating a reversal from the policy of détente which began in 1979 following the Soviet war in Afghanistan.[169] Reagan ordered a massive buildup of the United States Armed Forces[127] and implemented new policies towards the Soviet Union: reviving the B-1 Lancer program that had been canceled by the Carter administration, and producing the MX missile.[170] In response to Soviet deployment of the SS-20, Reagan oversaw NATO's deployment of thePershing missile in West Germany.[171]
1980's Wasserman Controlled Hollywood was about "yielding High Profits and paying
low wages with little interest to Art";
through the Universal TV, music and movie mill as if it were a finishing school before they blossomed on their own, including Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Stephen Cannell, and Stephen Bochco. During Wasserman’s tenure, the studio won an Academy Award for The Sting and Emmys for enduring programs like Columbo and The Rockford Files, but Wasserman and his successor as MCA president, Sid Sheinberg, were far more interested in profit than art. Thus, MCA led Hollywood’s negotiations to keep wages low and profit margins high, cutting costs at every turn. Sets, stars and scripts were recycled so often that Universal became a universal butt of jokes about Hollywood homogeneity during the 1980s.
1981-Ronald Reagan becomes 40th US Prez.(1981-1989)
(Ronald Reagan was born in Illinois to Irish Immigrant-born-father
and Scot-English-Mother.
During Reagan's presidency;
The(Prez Reagan Presidency) administration's stance toward the Savings and Loan industry contributed to the savings and loan crisis.[158] It is also suggested, by a minority of Reaganomics critics, that the policies partially influenced the stock market crash of 1987,[159] but there is no consensus regarding a single source for the crash.[160] In order to cover newly spawned federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion.[161] Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.[137]
*1988 Seoul Olympics held in Korea; much unrest in Korea since
assasination of Korean Prez Park led to US-selected-money-hungry-corrupt-
Korean-Prez-who-media-controlled-KOREA-from 1980-1987.
Many Korean civilians were poverty-stricken with little
to no opportunity for education, worked long hours with little pay,
re-development construction of high rise apartments only affordable
to the Rich Koreans forced out poor Korean residents without
compensation nor place to live (ex; Yongsan District
monopolized by Korea occupying US Military had access
not available to 'poverty-stricken-majority of -Korean Citizens!!
Luxury exclusively granted to US Military in Korea include
on-base golf-courses/grass lawn housings for US Military/Movie Theaters/ Pools/onbase Hotels/
on-base shopping centers AAFEX-Commissary/ on-base K-12 American Schools
for US military dependents/-restaurants on base and nearby Itaewon-hooker hill neighborhood
of Yongsan-US-Military-Base.)
Real Estate of Yongsan-Itaewon Hooker Hill
monopolized by US Military (as well as other US military bases around Korean peninsula)
decked out in its "hollywood-like-luxuries" were NOT accessible by
poverty stricken and homeless Korean civilians getting little pay after long-working-hours
especially between 1980-1987.
Poverty-stricken-devastated KOREA barely recovered
through industrialization Prez Park created with Prez Park's financial loan
from West Germany's Prez Lubke. But the Wealth of KOREA
was robbed by Jap/US Military-US; leaving over-worked KOREANS unable
to afford food , medical, nor housing even after working non-stop-long hours!!!!!
...continue Prez Reagan's era;
1983; The same type of sweeping national publicity campaign was used with equal success for other MCA blockbusters, like ''Star Wars,'' ''Indiana Jones'' and ''E.T.'' Rival studios took notice and began marketing their big films the same way.In 1983, MCA share prices were falling, and there were whispers in Hollywood and Wall Street that at 70 Mr. Wasserman's days at the top were numbered. Then Steve Wynn, the casino entrepreneur, began buying the company's stock, apparently intending a takeover. Mr. Wasserman arranged for strong financial backing from other investors and banks, putting an end to the threat posed by Mr. Wynn.
1983;Reagan never left the United States during the war, though he kept a film reel, obtained while in the service, depicting the liberation of Auschwitz, as he believed that someday doubts would arise as to whether the Holocaust had occurred.[40] It has been alleged that he was overheard telling Israeli foreign minister Yitzhak Shamir in 1983 that he had filmed that footage himself and helped liberate Auschwitz,[40][41] though this purported conversation was disputed by Secretary of State George Shultz.[42]
1983 TWO MONTH US declared war on Grenada;
-On October 25, 1983, Reagan ordered U.S. forces to invade Grenada, code named Operation Urgent Fury, where a 1979 coup d'état had established an independent non-aligned Marxist-Leninist government.Operation Urgent Fury was the first major military operation conducted by U.S. forces since the Vietnam War, several days of fighting commenced, resulting in a U.S. victory;In mid-December, after a new government was appointed by the Governor-General, U.S. forces withdrew.
1983;Reagan started wearing a custom, technologically advanced hearing aid, first in his right ear[251] and later in his left as well.[252] His decision to go public in 1983 regarding his wearing the small, audio-amplifying device boosted their sales.[253]
1984; Reagan re-elected to second term presidency.
1984 Summer Olympics, among other things. He became the first American president to open an Olympic Games held in the United States.[199]
1985;On July 13, 1985, Reagan underwent surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital to remove cancerous polyps from his colon. In August of that year, he underwent an operation to remove skin cancer cells from his nose.[257] In October, additional skin cancer cells were detected on his nose and removed
1986; Given 1980-1987 KOrea was at its worst presidency leading to abused Korean Citizens with no escape from war-victimize-poverty-slavement with little pay in comparison to 15hour work days; Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. The act made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously.
In 1986, a scandal shook the administration stemming from the use of proceeds from covert arms sales to Iran to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, which had been specifically outlawed by an act of Congress.[225][226] The Iran–Contra affairbecame the largest political scandal in the United States during the 1980s.[227]The International Court of Justice, whose jurisdiction to decide the case was disputed by the US,[228] ruled that the U.S. had violated international law and breached treaties in Nicaragua in various ways (see Nicaragua v. United States).[229][230]
1986: "Reagan didn't seem to know who I was. ... Oh, my, he's gonzo, I thought. I have to go out on the lawn tonight and tell my countrymen that the president of the United States is a doddering space cadet." But then, at the end, he regained his alertness. As she described it, "I had come thatclose to reporting that Reagan was senile."[285] However, Dr. Lawrence K. Altman, a physician employed as a reporter for The New York Times, noted that "the line between mere forgetfulness and the beginning of Alzheimer's can be fuzzy",[286] and all four of Reagan's White House doctors said that they saw no evidence of Alzheimer's while he was president.[286] Dr. John E. Hutton, Reagan's primary physician from 1984 to 1989, said the president "absolutely" did not "show any signs of dementia or Alzheimer's".[286] Reagan did experience occasional memory lapses, though, especially with names.[286] Once, while meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, he repeatedly referred to Vice President Bush as "Prime Minister Bush."[287] Reagan's doctors, however, note that he only began exhibiting overt symptoms of the illness in late 1992[288] or 1993,[286] several years after he had left office. His former Chief of Staff James Baker considered "ludicrous" the idea that Reagan slept during cabinet meetings.[289] Other staff members, former aides, and friends said they saw no indication of Alzheimer's while he was President.[286]
1987;Gorbachev and Reagan sign the INF Treaty at the White House in 1987
1987;In January 1987, Reagan underwent surgery for an enlarged prostate which caused further worries about his health. No cancerous growths were found, however, and he was not sedated during the operation.[259] In July of that year, aged 76, he underwent a third skin cancer operation on his nose.[260]
1988;But Shirley Temple, America's most beloved child star, remembered Mr. Wasserman less fondly; he fired her as a client after she outgrew her children's roles. Ms. Temple set down this exchange with him in her 1988 autobiography, ''Child Star'':
1990-Lew Wasserman(Hollywood) ran the combined company;Wasserman pocketed an estimated $350 million from the sale of MCA ; for nearly 30 years before selling it to Japanese consumer electronics conglomerate Matsushita Electric in 1990.[citation needed]
Mr. Wasserman received Matsushita preferred stock with a face value of $327 million and a guaranteed 8.75 percent annual dividend.
Mr. Wasserman sold MCA to the Matsushita Electric Industrial Company of Japan in 1990. Though he stayed on to manage MCA, he effectively lost control of it to Matsushita, with which he fought bitterly.
1969-Hollywood mogul Wasserman taking over "Jules Stein Dynasty";controlled US Presidents from JFK to Reagan;
(all JFK,Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton , Ronald Reagan);
Wasserman succeeded Stein as MCA chairman in 1969, expanding his role beyond Hollywood to Washington D.C. and every corner of the globe. During this period MCA expanded its influence to publishing (Putnam/Berkley), retail stores (Spencer’s Gifts), banking (Columbia Savings and Loan) and even Yosemite National Park, where MCA monopolized concessions. At its height, MCA had offices in 42 countries and beginning with John F. Kennedy, Wasserman became consigliere and a major contributor to Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and, of course, Ronald Reagan.
1970's; Lew Wasserman; And in the 1970's, his deft marketing of Steven Spielberg's 1975 ''Jaws'' and other movies was credited with creating the summer blockbuster.The 1970's were another boom era for MCA and Mr. Wasserman. In television, he pioneered production of the mini-series and one-hour police dramas.
1973;Nonetheless, his many admirers felt Mr. Wasserman fully deserved his 1973 special Oscar for humanitarianism. It was given for his philanthropy and his involvement in promoting civil rights. Mr. Wasserman was a generous contributor to Jewish causes and gave so much to Catholic charities that Pope John Paul II asked to meet with him during his visit to Los Angeles in 1987.
1979- Assasination of Korean Prez Park who encouraged Unification of KOREA despite
US's objections led to 1980-1987 Korea's worst victimization of Korean citizens since 1910-1953 genocide-war crimes.
1979;Reagan escalated the Cold War, accelerating a reversal from the policy of détente which began in 1979 following the Soviet war in Afghanistan.[169] Reagan ordered a massive buildup of the United States Armed Forces[127] and implemented new policies towards the Soviet Union: reviving the B-1 Lancer program that had been canceled by the Carter administration, and producing the MX missile.[170] In response to Soviet deployment of the SS-20, Reagan oversaw NATO's deployment of thePershing missile in West Germany.[171]
1980's Wasserman Controlled Hollywood was about "yielding High Profits and paying
low wages with little interest to Art";
through the Universal TV, music and movie mill as if it were a finishing school before they blossomed on their own, including Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Stephen Cannell, and Stephen Bochco. During Wasserman’s tenure, the studio won an Academy Award for The Sting and Emmys for enduring programs like Columbo and The Rockford Files, but Wasserman and his successor as MCA president, Sid Sheinberg, were far more interested in profit than art. Thus, MCA led Hollywood’s negotiations to keep wages low and profit margins high, cutting costs at every turn. Sets, stars and scripts were recycled so often that Universal became a universal butt of jokes about Hollywood homogeneity during the 1980s.
1981-Ronald Reagan becomes 40th US Prez.(1981-1989)
(Ronald Reagan was born in Illinois to Irish Immigrant-born-father
and Scot-English-Mother.
During Reagan's presidency;
The(Prez Reagan Presidency) administration's stance toward the Savings and Loan industry contributed to the savings and loan crisis.[158] It is also suggested, by a minority of Reaganomics critics, that the policies partially influenced the stock market crash of 1987,[159] but there is no consensus regarding a single source for the crash.[160] In order to cover newly spawned federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion.[161] Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.[137]
*1988 Seoul Olympics held in Korea; much unrest in Korea since
assasination of Korean Prez Park led to US-selected-money-hungry-corrupt-
Korean-Prez-who-media-controlled-KOREA-from 1980-1987.
Many Korean civilians were poverty-stricken with little
to no opportunity for education, worked long hours with little pay,
re-development construction of high rise apartments only affordable
to the Rich Koreans forced out poor Korean residents without
compensation nor place to live (ex; Yongsan District
monopolized by Korea occupying US Military had access
not available to 'poverty-stricken-majority of -Korean Citizens!!
Luxury exclusively granted to US Military in Korea include
on-base golf-courses/grass lawn housings for US Military/Movie Theaters/ Pools/onbase Hotels/
on-base shopping centers AAFEX-Commissary/ on-base K-12 American Schools
for US military dependents/-restaurants on base and nearby Itaewon-hooker hill neighborhood
of Yongsan-US-Military-Base.)
Real Estate of Yongsan-Itaewon Hooker Hill
monopolized by US Military (as well as other US military bases around Korean peninsula)
decked out in its "hollywood-like-luxuries" were NOT accessible by
poverty stricken and homeless Korean civilians getting little pay after long-working-hours
especially between 1980-1987.
Poverty-stricken-devastated KOREA barely recovered
through industrialization Prez Park created with Prez Park's financial loan
from West Germany's Prez Lubke. But the Wealth of KOREA
was robbed by Jap/US Military-US; leaving over-worked KOREANS unable
to afford food , medical, nor housing even after working non-stop-long hours!!!!!
...continue Prez Reagan's era;
Questions arose whether Reagan's policies benefited the wealthy more than those living in poverty,[145] and many poor and minority citizens viewed Reagan as indifferent to their struggles.[145] These views were exacerbated by the fact that Reagan's economic regimen included freezing the minimum wage at $3.35 an hour, slashing federal assistance to local governments by 60%, cutting the budget for public housing and Section 8 rent subsidies in half, and eliminating the antipoverty Community Development Block Grant program.[146] The widening gap between the rich and poor had already begun during the 1970s before Reagan's economic policies took effect.[147] Along with Reagan's 1981 cut in the top regular tax rate on unearned income, he reduced the maximum capital gains rate to only 20%.[148] Reagan later set tax rates on capital gains at the same level as the rates on ordinary income like salaries and wages, with both topping out at 28%.[149] Reagan is viewed as an antitax hero despite raising taxes eleven times over the course of his presidency, all in the name of fiscal responsibility.[150] According to Paul Krugman, "Over all, the 1982 tax increase undid about a third of the 1981 cut; as a share of G.D.P., the increase was substantially larger than Mr. Clinton's 1993 tax increase."[151]According to historian and domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett, Reagan's tax increases over the course of his presidency took back half of the 1981 tax cut.[152]
Further following his less-government intervention views, Reagan cut the budgets of non-military[153] programs[154] including Medicaid, food stamps, federal education programs[153] and the EPA.[155] While he protected entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare,[156] his administration attempted to purge many people with disabilities from the Social Security disability rolls.[157]
1983; The same type of sweeping national publicity campaign was used with equal success for other MCA blockbusters, like ''Star Wars,'' ''Indiana Jones'' and ''E.T.'' Rival studios took notice and began marketing their big films the same way.In 1983, MCA share prices were falling, and there were whispers in Hollywood and Wall Street that at 70 Mr. Wasserman's days at the top were numbered. Then Steve Wynn, the casino entrepreneur, began buying the company's stock, apparently intending a takeover. Mr. Wasserman arranged for strong financial backing from other investors and banks, putting an end to the threat posed by Mr. Wynn.
1983;Reagan never left the United States during the war, though he kept a film reel, obtained while in the service, depicting the liberation of Auschwitz, as he believed that someday doubts would arise as to whether the Holocaust had occurred.[40] It has been alleged that he was overheard telling Israeli foreign minister Yitzhak Shamir in 1983 that he had filmed that footage himself and helped liberate Auschwitz,[40][41] though this purported conversation was disputed by Secretary of State George Shultz.[42]
1983 TWO MONTH US declared war on Grenada;
-On October 25, 1983, Reagan ordered U.S. forces to invade Grenada, code named Operation Urgent Fury, where a 1979 coup d'état had established an independent non-aligned Marxist-Leninist government.Operation Urgent Fury was the first major military operation conducted by U.S. forces since the Vietnam War, several days of fighting commenced, resulting in a U.S. victory;In mid-December, after a new government was appointed by the Governor-General, U.S. forces withdrew.
1983;Reagan started wearing a custom, technologically advanced hearing aid, first in his right ear[251] and later in his left as well.[252] His decision to go public in 1983 regarding his wearing the small, audio-amplifying device boosted their sales.[253]
1984; Reagan re-elected to second term presidency.
1984 Summer Olympics, among other things. He became the first American president to open an Olympic Games held in the United States.[199]
1985;On July 13, 1985, Reagan underwent surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital to remove cancerous polyps from his colon. In August of that year, he underwent an operation to remove skin cancer cells from his nose.[257] In October, additional skin cancer cells were detected on his nose and removed
1986; Given 1980-1987 KOrea was at its worst presidency leading to abused Korean Citizens with no escape from war-victimize-poverty-slavement with little pay in comparison to 15hour work days; Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. The act made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously.
In 1986, a scandal shook the administration stemming from the use of proceeds from covert arms sales to Iran to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, which had been specifically outlawed by an act of Congress.[225][226] The Iran–Contra affairbecame the largest political scandal in the United States during the 1980s.[227]The International Court of Justice, whose jurisdiction to decide the case was disputed by the US,[228] ruled that the U.S. had violated international law and breached treaties in Nicaragua in various ways (see Nicaragua v. United States).[229][230]
1986: "Reagan didn't seem to know who I was. ... Oh, my, he's gonzo, I thought. I have to go out on the lawn tonight and tell my countrymen that the president of the United States is a doddering space cadet." But then, at the end, he regained his alertness. As she described it, "I had come thatclose to reporting that Reagan was senile."[285] However, Dr. Lawrence K. Altman, a physician employed as a reporter for The New York Times, noted that "the line between mere forgetfulness and the beginning of Alzheimer's can be fuzzy",[286] and all four of Reagan's White House doctors said that they saw no evidence of Alzheimer's while he was president.[286] Dr. John E. Hutton, Reagan's primary physician from 1984 to 1989, said the president "absolutely" did not "show any signs of dementia or Alzheimer's".[286] Reagan did experience occasional memory lapses, though, especially with names.[286] Once, while meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, he repeatedly referred to Vice President Bush as "Prime Minister Bush."[287] Reagan's doctors, however, note that he only began exhibiting overt symptoms of the illness in late 1992[288] or 1993,[286] several years after he had left office. His former Chief of Staff James Baker considered "ludicrous" the idea that Reagan slept during cabinet meetings.[289] Other staff members, former aides, and friends said they saw no indication of Alzheimer's while he was President.[286]
1987;Gorbachev and Reagan sign the INF Treaty at the White House in 1987
1987;In January 1987, Reagan underwent surgery for an enlarged prostate which caused further worries about his health. No cancerous growths were found, however, and he was not sedated during the operation.[259] In July of that year, aged 76, he underwent a third skin cancer operation on his nose.[260]
1988;But Shirley Temple, America's most beloved child star, remembered Mr. Wasserman less fondly; he fired her as a client after she outgrew her children's roles. Ms. Temple set down this exchange with him in her 1988 autobiography, ''Child Star'':
''Why?'' I yelped.
''Because you're through.'' His eyes were unwavering, inky black. ''Washed up.''
I started to cry.
''Here,'' he said, pushing a Kleenex box across the desktop. ''Have one on me.''
Mr. Wasserman's temper tantrums were legendary. ''You have not been chewed out until Lew Wasserman chews you,'' Jerry Adler, an executive with MCA's television production company, Revue, was quoted saying in ''The Last Mogul.'' Stories circulated of executives who fainted or vomited in the midst of Wasserman tirades.
1989; In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down, the Cold War was officially declared over at the Malta Summit on December 3, 1989[250] and two years later, the Soviet Union collapsed.--------
1990-Lew Wasserman(Hollywood) ran the combined company;Wasserman pocketed an estimated $350 million from the sale of MCA ; for nearly 30 years before selling it to Japanese consumer electronics conglomerate Matsushita Electric in 1990.[citation needed]
Mr. Wasserman received Matsushita preferred stock with a face value of $327 million and a guaranteed 8.75 percent annual dividend.
Mr. Wasserman sold MCA to the Matsushita Electric Industrial Company of Japan in 1990. Though he stayed on to manage MCA, he effectively lost control of it to Matsushita, with which he fought bitterly.
Republic of Belarus (1991-present)[edit]
Chairmen of the Supreme Soviet
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North and South Korea make a joint declaration on keeping the peninsula free of nuclear weapons. They pledge not to test, produce, receive, store, deploy or use nuclear arms, and agree to mutual inspections. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North Korea submits seven sites and some plutonium to International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) inspection. But discrepancies are discovered in its initial report to the authority and the IAEA asks Pyonyang for clarification on its quantities of reprocessed nuclear fuel. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Pyongyang pulls out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The move serves to stop international monitors visiting the Yongbyon nuclear plant, where it is suspected that spent plutonium from civilian reactors is being diverted to North Korea's arms programme.
The first North Korean nuclear crisis develops: western nations discuss UN sanctions, and there are fears that war will break out across the 38th parallel.