(photo; Man sitting on a chair is Jew Mason Isaac Moise but better known under
his changed name; Adolphe Cremieux)
Karl Marx's father (Heinrich Marx) was a Jewish Mason using a pseudo name; Hirschel Mordechai.
It's a repeated fact throughout history; Jews doing evil for selfish gain of wealth
'hid' themselves from the public.
There is no right or wrong in one's religious preference; however, the imperfect
Catholic-Gentiles who are publically visible are far more 'Honorable' than
Jew-Masons hiding in 'secret-society-cult-establishments' causing
world-wide chaos (consistant practice of "shock doctrine" as described
by Canadian Author Klein, use of usury in forms of World Bank of Rotschilds,
pitting hatred among individuals of same heritage, and poisoning
societies thru its preachings of superiority-of-few-games leading to slavement
of innocent caged in at "cycle of constant civil war chaos birthing distrust-hatred"
implimented by deceitful-wealth-hoarding-pigs under disguise.)
Definition of modern day's hard-to-detect "domestic-violence-abuser"
wearing numerous faces in society
is the very example of "jew masons" responsible
for generations of chaos.
From 1834 until his death, Crémieux served as vice-president of the "Consistoire Central des Israélites de France" (Central Consistory of the Jews of France), the administrative agency for all French Jews.
Crémieux was involved in Jewish political agitation. In 1827, he advocated the repeal of the More judaico.[3] He founded the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris in 1860, becoming its president four years later. In 1866 Crémieux traveled to Saint Petersburg and controversially managed to get some Jews of Saratov off the hook after they had been accused in a case of Jewish ritual murder.[3]
Jewish ritual murder is the murder of a non-Jew by Jews in celebration of the Jewish religious festivals of Purim and Passover.
Both Purim and Passover celebrates the deaths of "oppressors" of the Jews and their children.
A modern case of possible Jewish ritual murder was exposed during the Oprah Winfrey show On May 1, 1989. This show had as its guest a person who, as a young girl (depicted, but she is in disquise), was forced to participate in a ritual in which a Christian infant was sacrificed. Oprah Winfrey asked her guest "what do you sacrifice for?". Answer: "For power".
Recently in Italy, Ariel Toaff, an Israeli university professor controversially published the book Ebrei d'Europa e Pasque di Sangue (European Jews and Blood Easters) where he hypothesized that some accusations of the past against Jews for their rituals were true. He was harshly criticized and had to call his book off. Israel Shamir was among the few who supported his research. The focus is set on the figure of 2-year-old Saint Simon of Trento, also called Simonino da Trento, who was kidnapped and murdered by Jews. His body was found in a cellar of a Jewish owned house in Trento, Italy by local magistrates. There was even an eye-witness. Eight Jews were sentenced to death and executed in late June 1475.
Isaac Moïse✡ (30 April 1796 – 10 February 10 1880) best known as Adolphe Crémieux, was a prominent Jewish freemason involved in law and politics as Minister of Justice inFrance.[1] Extremely influential in extraparliamentary and clandestine political agitation, he founded the Alliance Israélite Universelle, a Jewish supremacist organisation and involved himself in the Damascus affair. In freemasonry he was the Grand Master of the Scottish Rite, after being involved in the Rite of Mizraim.[2]
He was prominently involved in the Campagne des banquets which created the ground-work for the overthrow of king Louis Philippe I. Initially an advocate of Napoleon III as an attempt to gain control of the Chief Executive for himself, he later turned against Napoleon III in a terrible rage after General Cavaignac was appointed Prime Minister. Crémieux was imprisoned at Vincennes and Mazas for his agitation and after he was released, he was involved in legally defending communist associates of Karl Marx.
Judeo-Masonry;towards globalism and the New World Order
(and its cognate Judeo-Masonic) is a phrase used to infer a metapolitical convergence in the interests of international Jewry and Freemasonry along with its kindred sub-societies, manifesting in a general zeitgeist toward a material common end. "Freemasonry" in this context, is often used as a catch-all phrase to describe political liberalism and its affiliated culture. The concept was particularly common in the late 18th century to the 20th century, until communism came to be regarded as superseding freemasonry. Some theorists simply regard communism and internationalism as an extension and component of the convergence against organic society.
A 1902 drawing by Achille Lemontabout France. It shows Jews and Freemasons—numbering only 200,000, yet—imposing their political and cultural will over 34 million French Catholics.
The concept was initially expressed by political conservatives, monarchists (particularly those of alegitimist or Tsarist disposition) and traditional Christians following the Revolution in France. TheProtocols of the Elders of Zion—regardless of its true authorship—roughly based on the activities ofAdolphe Crémieux and others, is perhaps the most famous manifestation of this in writing.
Many, if not most of the revolutions, assassinations and other intrigues from at least the 18th to 20th century involved freemasons.
Regardless, some serious minded historians such as David Stevenson, have traced its origins back to Scotland in the 16th century, influenced heavily by the wider Rosicrucian craze in Europe.[1]
Modern Feemasonry started in England and Scotland in the 1600's years, later on in the 1700's years in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Russia and other countries. After the fall of Napoleon (1815) many countries expelled freemasonic organisations, including Austria (1795) and Russia (1822).
--------Jewish ritual murders; http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Jewish_ritual_murder
1750s–Algeria: bribe money was used to quash the facts. 1791–Pera (Constantinople): Helmut Schramm records the ritual murder of a young Greek child. 1810–Aleppo, Syria: murder of a woman at Easter/Purim time. 1812–Isle Of Corfu: three Jews were convicted in the murder of three children. Monniot in Le Crime Rituel Chez Les Juifs says the records were kept in the official archives of the island. 1821–Beirut, Lebanon: an adult Christian male was the victim. 1824–Beirut: Fatallah Sayegh, a Muslim, was slain for ritual purposes. 1824–Schramm cites yet another child ritual murder case on Corfu. 1826-1827–Antioch: at Easter, two Christian boys were ceremonially slain. 1829–Hama, Syria: the Jews of Hama slew a Muslim girl, and subsequently were expelled from the city. 1834–Tripoli, Libya: a Christian Greek fell victim. 1838–Jerusalem: There was an attempt to murder a Muslim for ritual purposes. 1847–Lebanon: Jews were apprehended after murdering a Christian boy.[3] Nor were these the last cases to arise in Damascus, another occurring in 1890.[4]
The following two cases bear most directly on the Damascus murders.
1839–Beirut, Lebanon: Both Sir Richard Burton and Arnold Leese mention that inspectors detected a mysterious flask of blood while it passed through the Customs House in Beirut. Leese gives the details: “A Remittance of Blood. During the Damascus Ritual Murder trial, the French Consul, Comte de Ratti-Menton, by whose energy and determination the case was brought to light, received a letter from Comte de Suzannet, who wrote: ‘Nearly a year ago, a box arrived at the custom-house that a Jew came to claim; on being asked to open it, he refused and offered first 100 Piastres, then 200, then 300, then 1,000 and at last 10,000 Piastres (2,500 Francs). The custom-house official persisted, and opened the box, discovering therein a bottle of blood. On asking the Jew for an explanation, the latter said that they had the custom of preserving the blood of their Grand Rabbis or important men. He was allowed to go, and left for Jerusalem.’ Comte Ratti-Menton (also French Consul for Damascus) later looked for the chief of the custom-house, but found that he had died. His successor only vaguely recollected the affair; but he confirmed that the box had several bottles of red liquid. The man who came to claim the shipment was Aaron Stambouli of Damascus, who had told him the substance was an efficacious drug.” The quick death of the chief custom-house officer is not surprising; witnesses to the crimes of Israel are subject to a sudden demise. But the reader will perhaps be more interested by the fact that Aaron Stambouli was one of those found guilty in the Damascus murders the very next year.![5]
1840–Isle of Rhodes: This transpired at almost the same time as the better-known Damascus Affair. The circumstances are familiar: a small boy, missing, last seen going into a home in the Jewish Quarter. A public outrage and demand for action followed, and Ottoman Governor Yusuf Pasha ordered an investigation. As in Damascus, this was at the instigation of several European Consuls. From here on, the Rhodes Case is a mishmash of charges, counter-charges and allegations. The Alliance Israelite Universelles of France and other important Judaic organizations of the day, bribed the authorities, paralleling what happened in Damascus. In yet another parallel, Austria withdrew its call for an investigation and supported dismissal of all charges. Sir Moses Montefiore, Adolph Cremieux, and the Rothchild barons (financiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) were successful — the charges were dropped and the accused freed. The Greek Orthodox clergy and European consuls were left holding the bag, their honor impugned by involvement in a case with no results. And the victim and his killers? The case remained unsolved. No one else was ever accused
1839-1840 were active years for the ritual murder cult. Jonathan Frankel displays a revealing map, showing cases that year not only in Damascus and Rhodes, but at four other locations as well: Constantinople and Smyrna in the Near East as well as Schwetz, Prussia, and Julich, Bavaria.[6] He also says: “Falling into this category, too, were the many criminal investigations and trials in which Jews were accused of ritual murder. Probably the best-known of such events in the period under discussion here was the Beiliss Trial held in Kiev in 1913. Among contemporaries, especially the Jews in the countries involved, though, the cases of Tisza-Eszlar in 1882 (in Hungary), of Xanten in 1891 (in Prussia), and of Polna in 1899 (in Bohemia) engendered hardly less tension. The Damascus affair of 1840, as already noted, caused an extraordinary sensation in its own time.” As the reader will soon see, this is an understatement.
Goy katan, «small Christian», was the expression used to introduce the victim (who was often anonymous) of the ritual murder, whose blood should have been added to the foods to show and to eat in the Seder dinners.
- This sentence means "This is the blood of a young Christian" , and was used as a ritual spell for murderous dinners:
Zeh ha-dam shel goy katan
- This is a quotation in the book by Giulio Morosini, originally written in old Italian, quoted by Ariel Toaff in his book:
[referring to Jews] You use to teach, beside giving them milk, the observance and the conception of the holy law and language, by Jewish names and by uttering many things... And this is done so as for them to soon understand the law and the Bible. But alongside with that, you spread the hatred toward the Goyim (Gentiles), by which you mean Christians, you never give up the chance to curse them, or to let them be cursed by your children. Furthermore, the name by which you often use to call our [Christian] children is Shekatzim, which means abominations, by that word you also call the idols. In the same way you call our churches with another synonymous, Tonghavà, which still means abomination. You often warn your children to stay away fromTonghavà (Christian churches), not to speak with Sheketz and other similar bad things.
Shekez meant «something which was an abomination», while its female form sheksa or shekse was a neologism which indicated the young Christian girls who had sexual affairs with young Jews.
Until recently, among Ashkenazi Jews in Venice, «scigazzello» was in use as a despicable word. The word shekez, shegez orshegesc was meant to point in a spiteful way the young Christians, referred to as "abominative expressions of what was created", it was very used in almost every city where German-Jewish communities had formed, even in Northern Italy. This word is not quoted in the protocols of the trials of Trento, where the word goy («people», «nation») is used to generally refer to Christians, and goy katan («little Christian»), meaning small boy of Christian religion.
- Rabbi Samuel Falk — Doctor Falckon, an occultic magus and Kabbalistic high initiate, who from his base in London where he had moved from Germany, influenced international freemasonry. He introduced Count Cagliostro and Emanuel Swedenborg to the Kabbalah.[4][5]
- Moses Dobruška — also known as Thomas von Schoenfeld, grandson of infamous Sabbatean-Frankist rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. He founded the Asiatische Bruder, a masonic lodge in Vienna and one of the four in that city which became associated with the Illuminati.[6]
- Max Théon — born as Louis-Maximilian Bimstein in Warsaw. Kabbalistic son of a rabbi. Founded the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and directly inspired Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society and Carl Kellner of the Ordo Templi Orientis.[7][8]
- Hirschel Mordechai — also known as Heinrich Marx. He was the father of Karl Marx, author of Das Kapital and the Communist Manifestoand inventor of Marxism. Mordechai joined the Loge L'Ètoile anséatique (The Hanseatic Star) of the Grand Orient de France in 1813 atOsnabrück while the area was occupied during the Napoleonic War of the Sixth Coalition.[9]
- Moses Hess — close mentor of both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, introducing them to the concept of dialectical materialism which became a key part of Marxism. Hess was a key player in the development of both Zionism and Communism, stating that "the race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary." He joined the Loge Henri IV of the Grand Orient de France while in Paris in 1858.
- Adolphe Crémieux( born as Jew Isaac Moise) — Minister of Justice in France, 1848, 1870–1871. Grand Master of the Scottish Rite. He founded the internationally operating Alliance Israelite Universelle and subverted the More Judaico law in France, regarding Kol Nidre lies in Talmudism.
- Juan Álvarez Mendizábal — Prime Minister of Spain, 1835—1836. Member of "Taller Sublime" lodge in Cádiz. Liberal politician, behind theDesamortización Eclesiástica, which took land from the Church and gave it to the bourgeiouse, including some of his fellow Marranos.
- Ernesto Nathan — Mayor of Rome, 1907—1913. Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d'Italia, 1896–1904 and 1917–1919. Hardline anti-clerical Mazzinite republican politician. Came into conflict with the Church over trying to remove them from public education.
- Bernard Lecache — founder of LICRA, a political police organisation in France similar to the ADL of B'nai B'rith. He was a member of theGrand Orient de France and the French Communist Party. After 1923 he was expelled from the PCF for refusing to leave the masons.
- Isaac Reverchon — Grand Master of the Grande Loge Suisse Alpina, 1868–1927. Professor at the Collège de Genève (founded by John Calvin) and active with masonic Old Catholic Church. He founded the Association maçonnique internationale confederation of Grand Orient freemasonry which worked to undermine European national liberation movements from 1921–1950.
*Europe under Soviet-Nazi-Hitler
and Zionist-influenced-US Prez Truman
was in much chaos til 1950; noting
1948 establishment of Israel
by force that war-crippled-Europe
could not prevent (shock doctrine
based chaos in Europe was
unable to resist 1948's forced
establishment of Israel envisioned
by Jew-Masons of 1800's).
scary truth;
Both Zionism and Communism
stemmed from the influence
of Judeo-Masonry Jews
from London-England,
France, Germany in the
1880's when
Masonry-Jews practiced
human sacrifices of
non-jews during Jewish
Such evil
of earlier Jew practices
that harmed
contribute to
'jew-hate-crimes' for
'non-jewish' community
seeking safety measures.
Why study one's roots/one's heritage?
Aside from
numeric value in one's bank account;
knowledge of one's
grant 'priceless'
The knowledge one
gains from studying
historical geneology
can raise
self-esteem for the
present generation.
Self-worth and
grants one to
find motivation to
do "good"-stive
'to improve' ethically
and morally via
hard-work utilizing one's
innate potentials.
Most crimes
are committed in part
by individuals
with low-self-esteem
and low-self-worth
brainwashed thru
from poverty
but raised
with parental
guidance emphasizing
one's worthiness
grow up to
maximize one's
innate potentials;
therefore, grow
up contributing
to society rather
than harming
the society.
----------------All PreK-12
as well as Grown-ups
have rights to literacy-education
allowing them full access
to ancestor-geology-knowledge
that accompanies one's surname.
Good or bad; All.
It is one's right to
learn not to repeat the
'bad'; but to
embrace one's heritage
as it was while
striving to 'continue the good'
of one's ancestors.
Knowing 'all/everything' is the key.
Credit should be given
to the modern day generation
to decipher thru bad past
that needs to be corrected;
all the while gaining
'empowerment-pride-self worth'
through the 'good' passed
on from one's ancestry.