
Shock Doctrine used by Judeo Masonry

  1. The Shock Doctrine | Naomi Klein


    Pro-Free-Market Ideas for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices, ...Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. ... Thebook traces its origins back fifty years, to the University of Chicago under  ...
  2. Naomi Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Naomi Klein (born May 8, 1970) is a Canadian author and social activist known ... No Logo, a book that went on to become an international bestseller, and The Shock ....The book argues that the free market policies of Nobel Laureate Milton

    ---"shock doctrine"
    effect on French-Arcadian-Cajuns.

    Ancient Greek Diaspora
    include Iceland-Norms.
    Iceland Natives
    Russia-Alaska Natives,
    Eastern Canada(Quebec natives living with
    French Acadians before Britain
    overthrew French colonians of canada;
    coincidentally, Scottish-Irish-
    Gaelic-Norms will
    populate Manibota Canada
    due to femine starving
    much of Ireland; scottish-Irish-Gaelic-Norms
    populated in Canada and
    USA when femine struck Ireland.
    Interesting to note that
    French Acadians lived
    peacefully with the natives; however,
    Scottish-Irish-Gaelic-Norms were
    territorial and confrontational
    upon arrival in its new settlements)
     and Western(Vancouver-Natives) 
    and North American
    Natives (of NW Washington
    as well as 
    American Indian Native
    tribes including
    Louisiana area 
    reigned by Spain
    during British-Massachusetts
    forced exile
    of French-Arcadians
    from Canada to
    populate in Louisiana;
    French colonized IndoChinese
    Vietnam refugees
    and French Arcadian
    exiles of Canada 
    met in Louisiana
    area of the Southern
    under Spain Colony that
    later was taken
    over by British
    American Colonials.
    It is in 1776,
    became independent of
    Britain; however,
    America would mirror
    British Colonial
    influence throughout
    American history.


    The Mediterranean race (sometimes Mediterranid race) is one of the sub-races into which the Caucasian race was categorized by most anthropologists in the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries.[1] According to various definitions, it was said to be prevalent in Southern Europe (including Southern France), parts ofEastern Europe (including Romania), North Africa, the Horn of AfricaWestern AsiaCentral Asia and South Asia, and in certain parts of the British Isles andGermany.[2][3][4][5][6][7] It is characterized by medium stature to tall stature, long (dolichocephalic) or moderate (mesocephalic) skull, aquiline nose or straight nose, any hair color, any eye color, and any skin tone, though olive complexion is most common.
    The conception of the Mediterranean race was originally developed by Giuseppe Sergi.[8] Sergi subscribed to the Hamitic hypothesis that claimed that all the European peoples were Eurafricans of Hamitic origin and rejected claims of Europeans being Eurasians of Aryan origin.[6][8] Sergi claimed that that Mediterraneans were a "brunet race which has appeared in Europe ... derived neither from the black nor white peoples, but constitut[ing] an autonomous stock in the human family".[9]:24–27 Sergi claimed that the light-skinned Nordic racedescended from the Mediterranean race.[9]:24–27 Such claims of the Nordic type descending from Mediterranean type were later supported by prominent anthropologists such as Carleton S. Coon in his work The races of Europe (1939) who subscribed to depigmentation theory that claimed that Nordic race's light-coloured skin was the result of depigmentation from their ancestors of the Mediterranean race.[10]
    Sergi's conception of Hamitic origins of the Mediterranean race was rejected by others who recognized the Mediterranean race such as by Benito Mussolini and the Italian Fascist movement that viewed Mediterraneans as a subtype of the Aryan race.[11] Italian Fascists identified Italians as part of the white race.[12] Nazi racial theorist Hans F. K. Günther identified the Mediterranean race as being one of five subtypes of the Aryan race, the others being NordicDinaricAlpine, and East Baltic.[13]
    Mediterraneanism is an ideology that claims that there are distinctive characteristics that Mediterranean cultures have in common.[14] Sergi claimed that the Mediterranean race was "the greatest race".[9]:24–27 Italian Fascism initially adhered strongly to a version of Mediterraneanism. Italian Fascism's Mediterraneanism was defined by Mussolini since the early 1920s as identifying Italians as being a Mediterranean branch of the Aryan race.[9]:11[15] It asserted that Italians were part of the white race, and utilized white supremacism to justify colonialism.[12] However, with the rise in influence of pro-Nordicist Nazi Germany in Europe and Fascist Italy's alliance with it, the Fascist regime gave Italian Nordicists prominent positions, which aggravated Mediterraneanists in the party.[9]:188, 146 In the summer of 1938, the Fascist government officially recognized Italians as being of Nordic-Mediterranean descent.[9]:188

    *Iberian Peninsula
    once included Islam-influenced
    Ancient Greek diaspora of
    France, Spain, Italy.

    Marranos-Jews of
    Iberian Peninsula
    practiced Jeudaism
    as forced Christian

    1491 treaty ending
    1482 started Granada War
    led to 1492 Spanish
    Catholic ruling
    over once-islam-influenced
    Iberian Peninsula.

    1482 religious tolerance
    in exchange for
    taxation-work slavement
    of non-catholics-jews-christians.

    Each non-catholic-christian
    gains benefitted

    Religious tolerance of
    Christians meant
    religious tolerance
    of Jews hiding behind
    While Christians were visible;
    remained behind the scenes.

    Historical outcomes
    of every conflict
    led to jewish-gains.

    Even the horrors
    of "Anne-Frank-Ashkenazi-
    jew-residing -in Denmark"
    contributed in
    Seph-Jews conflict
    loss to Ashkenazi-zionist-jew
    gain of forced establishment
    of Israel in 1948.

    Among the horrors of
    sacrificed ashkenazi
    jews under 
    Hitler-Nazi genocide
    were the poor, disabled,
    elderly, and
    used as human
    before getting
    killed; all the
    genocides halted in 1945
    1948 forced establishment
    of Israel
    that WW1+WW2 war-demolished
    could not prevent.

    the Israel establishment
    demanded superiority
    over all Jewish-Diaspora
    made helpless by
    of non-Zionist-Jews
    and non-jews of European

    of Ashkenazi-Zionist-led
    Jews started with
     Fall of Europe
    ( Amsterdam,Netherlands
    Zionists at the
    expense of moral corruption
    disease plague spreading
    European society preoccupied
    in its cycle of enslavement)
    led to 'Collapse of
    Asia-Middle East' enslavement
    historical 'African-Spain'
    slavement to the European
    descendents in America
    that assasinated 
    Abraham Lincoln
    fought to seize.

    Netherlands was
    Spanish Empire
    until 1581.
    Northern Dutch
    Providences ; 
    that were once
    reigned by
    Holy Roman Empire;
    that ruled
    for all were
    by 'Protestant Christians'
    'religious freedom';
    that religious
    freedom allowed
    many jews to migrate
    to Netherlands.

    Same 'religious freedom'
    motive led
    to 1776 USA independence
    from Britain.

    Same 'freedom'
    motive led
    to 'chinese-Jap alliance'
    overthrow of 'Korean
    three kingdom 
    island properties'
    leading to eventual
    destruction in 1910
    Korean slavement(Russian-USA-Jap gain)
     of Jap.
    Timeline of 
    Hawaii annexation to USA,
    New China
    establishment(British gain),
    Vietname establishment(French gain),
    and vulerability of Russia
    at mercy of zionist-USA
    ally zionist-Britain/
    is visible
    in low-interest rate-tariff-world-trade
    between USA-Jap-France-Britain
    in comparison
    to unreasonably high tariff-interest-
    rates USA demands
    from Korea (as well
    as US Military occupied
    and USA controlled countries).

    was facilitated
    by European
    jews force-fled
    to Amsterdam
    being reported
    to the Nazis
    by the very citizens
    of non-jew-Netherlands.

    most acting
    of genocide
    of Koreans
    were done by
    bribed Koreans.

    bribed kin against 
    sacrificed kin.

    The historical
    trend is that
    each slaved
    was 'headed'
    by 'bribed leader'
    of same race as
    'slaved population'.

    Such 'same race'
    further facilitated
    'success' of
    'crimes' committed

    'Bribed Koreans'
    gained 'dirty wealth'
    after participating
    in 'genocide of
    its own brothers'.

    'Bribed Ashkenazi-Hitler-
    participated in
    genocide of its
    own jewish-community'.

    'Bribed Obama
    Presidency in USA
    led to killing
    of bin-Laden and
    Hussein; no denying
    the evil committed-
    but the resulting
    patterns throughout
    History is
    clearly visible
    of same race 
    seperated among
    bribed against
    controlled helpless
    citizens of that
    bribed race 
    handing over
    stolen wealth
    to the 'behind-the-scene-

    Each trail of
    Jew populated
    region follows
    history of
    laws that eventually
    leads to 'eviction
    of jews'; those
    evicted jews
    through 'civil war'
    political power
    to be replaced
    by 'puppet-controlled'
    government headed
    by zionist-jews.

    Such is the
    historical abusive
    cycle passed down
    'Biblical story
    of Jacob and Moses';
    'Incest-family feud
    among Jews';
    Israel Jacob in his
    multiple marriages
    lead to half brother
    selling his half
    brother to slavery.
    Jacob at free-will
    takes his family
    out of Canaan to the
    land of Egypt
    to be closer
    to his son sold
    to slavery in Egypt.
    Note that Jacob
    slavement of Egyptians
    in Canaan.  
    Jacob and his
    lived well until
    death of
    his slaved son who 
    rose to power
    in Egypt.

    Upon death of his
    once slaved son
    that was powerful
    in Egypt led
    to Egypt slaving
    Jacob and his sons.
    The Egyptian
    own daughter
    Death of sons
    of Israelites
    in foresight
    prevention of
    uprising by Israelites.
    Moses leads exodus
    of slaved Israelites
    from Egypt.
    Each Israel involved
    conflict follows
    'departing of sea'
    accounts of deaths of
    non-jews trying
    to stop Moses
    and his Israelites.

    Note that Egyptian
    Pharoah enforced
    through slavement
    and conversion of 
    faith in order to
    control slaved population.

    Each and every
    Israelite conflict
    enforced 'genocide'-
    'elimination' of
    population.  Israelites
    did not practice
    faith-conversion.  Israelites
    made sure 'division'
    Israelites from
    And Israelites
    made human-sacrifices
    while preaching 'one G-d'.
    Those human-sacrifices
    consisted of 
    'non-jews'/aka Gentiles
    being killed and blood
    of that killed be eaten
    by jews as part of
    jewish customs.

    Each jewish establishment
    led to rise
    in crimes ( ho m o se x uality,
    in c e st, deceit, human
    trafficking slavement,
    superiority games, non-jew-murders)
    that made non-jews
    demanding night-curfews
    restricting jews
    from nightly activities
    in order to safeguard
    non-jews from crimes;
    but eventually leads
    non-jews from
    exiling jews in order
    to rid of crimes in one's
    neighborhood crippled
    by fear of rising crime.
    Consistant trend
    of decreased crime
    following jewish exiles
    are evident in history.

    Ten Commandments
    Moses received
    and Fourty years
    of wandering
    without a home
    after exiting
    Egypt is foreshadowing
    tale of
    of Israelites back
    to Canaan.  

    The ten commandements
    of Moses is hardly
    evident among
    further seperated
    withing its own
    Jew against Jews.
    The reigning Jew
    further enslaving

    The consistant
    trend leads to
    of wealthy jews
    discriminating against
    its own jewish kin.
    Same wealthy jews
    of secret-society-
    it created
    (Ashkenazi European Zionist-
    further enslaves
    non-Jews thru
    bribed non-Jew
    heading the
    organized crime against
    non-jew population
    it is assigned to
    control (control
    thru usury, human
    trafficking, drugs,
    h o mo s e xu ality,
    seperation via educated
    vs uneducated, civil

    Consistant trend
    of abusive cycle
    leads to conclusive
    'selected increase
    of wealth' pocketed
    by invisible jews.

    Few facade of good deed
    (bribed few)
    by invisible
    jew far outweighs
    their spread of 
    crippling disease
    (of slaved majority).

    History of Jews in Netherlands
    is another historical example.

    1321 France 'rejected jews'.
    Also German-regions
    of Hainaut and rhine
    provinces were plagued
    by murdering of its
    people by jews practicing
    human sacrifices.

    1325 Netherlands
    attracts exiled jews.

    1349-Holy Roman Empire of
    Germany supports
    "jewish settlements"
    in Netherlands.  
    "Jews" are made to;
     1. Pay taxes
      2.  work-grant services
    in exchange for 'protection'.

    1444-increased crimes
    by human-sacrifice-practicing-
    jews lead to
    jews being expelled
    by fear-stricken 
    Utrecht residents.

    1522- taxation and
    forced conversion
    to Spain Catholicism
    was reinforced.

    Charles-Philip led to
    Jews finding refuge
    in Holland.

    1593-Marranos ( sephardim-
    Spanish Jews made
    to become
    Protestant Christians
    secretly practicing
    Judaism) settled in
    (note that Amsterdam
    played a crucial
    role in
    genocide of persecuted
    jews gathered in

    Skilled sephardim-Marrano-Jews
    brought wealth to Amsterdam
    but also seperation
    of wealthy extremists
    were evident in contrast
    to the uneducated poverty
    stricken slaved population of

    Also, Amsterdam-Dutch
    relation to
    South America was
    established by
    by 1621.  Such
    establishment was a front
    for the ulterior
    motive of
    scheme of
    Conquest of Brazil
    was carried out by 
    'Francisco Ribiero';
    Portuguese funded
    by Holland Jews.

    around 1642;Jews went to settle
    in Brazil as 
    Brazil was
    influenced by Holland.

    Holland-Dutch-Jews and Portugal
    fought for control
    over Brazil.

    Dutch-Jew-funded Portugal
    conquered Brazil.
    After the possession of
    Brazil by Portugal;
    Dutch-Jews fought and
    won control over

    (*zionist-jew staying
    in Kobe,Japan 1860s
    funded Jap Militia meiji.
    once Jap carried out
    its evil genocide of Koreans
    and chinese; Zionists
    of USA/Britain/France
    controlled Asia thru 
    bribed Jap and bribed Russia.)

    Amsterdam established
    Sephardic Jews
    established 'commercial
    with other European

    'opens up Gluckstadt-settlement'
    for rich-wealthy

    (with wealth establishment
    led by jewish settlement in the land
    consequentially follows;
     1.  seperation between rich over poor
    2.  practice of inequality;slavement
    of poor by wealthy
     3. rise in crime; jewish human sacrifice
    practices lead to murder of non-jews,
     ho mo se x uality- red light district
     human trafficking-drug-civil
        conflicts plague the communities.

       4.  gap between educated and 
        uneducated further facilitate
       slavement by the wealthy-funded-bribed
          middle class establishment
          of mafia-mob supplying 
              drugs/slaves to the wealthy.

      5.  abusive cycle of imprisonment
       of conquered country conditioned
    to ' false-dependency' on 'invisible
    jews hoarding stolen wealth 
    not reciprocated to the very
    individual laborers'.

         6.  consistant-ungoing 
        civil conflict preoccupies
          neighbors of same heritage;
        One wonders how
         so many 'North Koreans'
        / 'Halocaust victims' do not
          fight back their oppressors.
           One must research the layers
             of such victims
              made debilitated from
           self-defense motivations
            innate to 'free' citizens.

           *The 'Halocaust' 
            jews of Amsterdam
            were victimized by their
             own 'non-jew' Amsterdam

          ** The 'North Korean'
            victims were victimized
          by their very own race of
          feeding them false
         propaganda of false-security
        ; victims of North Korea
         are imprisoned by neighbors
        spying on neighbors
         in order to gain access to
           'food' for one's own family.

         "The crime of using one's
          family and/or one's peer's
        welfare consequentially
          controls one from fleeing
         the oppression; the 
            guilt of death-punishment
          placed upon one's family
        and/or one's peer keeps
          the individual imprisoned
           in one's oppression.

          'The very act of
         one's Amsterdam neighbors' betraying
              made one feel helpless
            to fight back; those
        who fought back were killed
        without 'intervention'
           of non-jew-bystanders.
          Civil war is worse than
           one country fighting
          another country of different race.

          'family against family'
          is worse than 'stranger against

        Bottomline; abuse is abuse.
         abuse is wrong.
         abuse is bad.
         abuse benefits one in exchange
            of harming another.
         abuse debilitates co-existance.
         abuse is wrong.
         abuse is bad.
          abuse must stop.
        Unfortunately, abuse continues
         throughtout history;
           like addiction- one is deceived
          into the 'cycle of abuse'
             where escape seem nonexistant
            without intervention.

       (West German Prez Lubke
        of farmer background
         was the only person
           around the globe willing
         to answer the 
           'financial loan help' requested
        by assasinated South Korean 
       Prez Park; Prez Lubke 
         adviced Prez Park to fight
         oppressors of West Germany
        and South Korea by obtaining
         greater Wealth via Technological
        and Transportational Development.

      Wisdom and foresight of Prez Lubke
      is a rare testiment of innate Good in
       Humanity overcoming diseased
         and corrupt society.

        The compassion and courage
      Prez Lubke displayed 
         in seeing Prez Park as 'human'
       needing equal rights as him
     is praise-worthy.

          The significance in Prez Lubke
       displayed compassion and
          response to financially
             assist South Korean
             Prez Park is praise-worthy.

         Prez Park was grew up 
           Jap Invasion of his 
        birth country forced into slavery
        between 1910-1945; as a helpless
        child, Prez Park was
        educated in school taught
         by Jap Invaders forbidding
         use of Korean language.
          Jap recommended Prez Park
           to USA as successor
          of Prez Rhee demanding
         'unification of Korea'.
             Prez Park overcoming
           his bribery; Prez Park
           fighting USA and Jap
          oppression in order to
             modernize war-devastated
          Korea and striving for unification
         of Korea did not stop
            even after the assasination of
         his wife; did not stop til
           he himself was assasinated in 1979.

          With assasination of Prez Park
           came the resignation of
         Prez Lubke; Compassion and
           Humanitarian message
              of Prez Lubke is
            overshadowed by 'belittling'
          of Prez Lubke and his medically
           debilitating 'speech' errors
            that 'label' Prez Lubke.

        The humanitarian courage
          Prez Park displayed
        on behalf of his own people
          gets 'media-propaganda-cover-up'
             write ups of 'bad labels'
           belittling Prez Park.

          Every effort and humane
           courage of Korean Descendent
          fighting back on its oppressors
            are distorted and belittled
              in history books so that
             Korean descendents
              helplessly stay slaved
           by the oppressors.

         Every effort and humane courage
         displayed by Korean descendents
          fighting back its
     oppressors are murdered/tortured/
        punished by bribed 'Korean puppets'
        funded by 

        Every victim's fight is
         conditioned to be oppressed
        by its own bribed-neighbor-of
        same race by the wealth-hoarding-
        oppressors invisible to the oppressed.

       Oppressors that repeatedly gained
         Wealth and Power points
        to "jews".  Every conflict
           outcome benefits "jews";
          the inescapable truth
         throughout history points
         to outcomes benefiting
          'jews' who used
       'Medicine' and "Commerce'
         to their advantage
           in 'controlling'
          slaved population as
       well as its 'territorial gain'
         following a 'genocide' conflict.

      Spanish Jews in Amsterdam
     ( Samuel Abravanel,
        David Nieto,
         Elijah Montalto,
          Joseph Bueno)
           of merchants and physicians
             'consulted' in
           the illness of Prince Maurice

       By 1632 in Amsterdam;
       Jews studied medicine as they
        were not allowed to practice law.
        Jews in commerce nor professorship were
         restricted to religious-affiliated;
            meat-poultry-groceries-drug sales.

        1655-Sugar-refinery by Jew was permitted.

       These 15th-16th Century
        Amsterdam Jew practices
      (medicine, commerce, sugar, religion-printing)
       are foreshadowing in 
         historical conflicts shaping
         present day 2013;
        -overthrowing Ancient Greek
       - overthrowing Norm Celtics
        -overthrowing Spanish territories
        - overthrowing French by British
        - French Canadian Acadians
         exiled to Louisiana by Massachusetts
           British supporters
       - Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam
       - Ashkenazi Jews establishment
         of Freemasons-Soviet-Communism-Zionism
       - America's 1776 independence 
        from Britain       
       - Freemason-Zionists of America
       - Freemason-Zionist of France
        - Freemason-Zionist of Britain
      -The 1655 Amsterdam-Spanish-Jews
         have influenced sugar-export
          of Hawaii leading to
          eventual overthrow of Hawaiian
         Monarchy that annexed Hawaii
            to USA.

         -Every encroachment and
         occupation of territories/countries
           controlled by Ashkenazi-German-Jews
           and Sephardic-Amsterdam-Spanish-Jews
           ally America.

         -Modern America and
           American Military
             headquarters "ashkenazi-Sepharic-Jew-
              wealthy few" monopolizing 'usury'
                profits of overworked-underpaid-slaved
                  countries feeding America and its
                     European Allies of Israel.

      Three tools;
       are used to facilitate 'secret-society-zionists'
         in its hidden control over non-jews.

        -Poverty stricken Russia,Jap,
         America, Britain, France,
           and Amsterdam-Netherland
             benefiting after 1945.

         - WW1 and WW2 Nazi-Hitler, Meiji Jap
            Korean-3-Kingdom erasure
          leading chaos in Asia leading
              Middle East conflict 
               strengthening 1948
             established Israel

        - 1945-1953 Genocide of Koreans-Manchu
         Chinese descendents.

      -Permanent U.S. Military Occupation of
        Germany, Korea, Jap, Australia, Asian territories,
           Saudi Arabia-Iraq.

        -1953-1980 Russia Soviet-Jap-Korea-Asia,Middle East,
          and Europe-Africa being controlled
           by 'America-Britain-France'.

       -Facade of "Free-Market", "globalization",
         "Democracy" is masking the hidden agenda
            funded by 'Freemasons-Sephardic-Zionists-Ashkenazi-Jews'
           strengthening the  power of

       "NO jews pass night
    in Utrecht,Netherland"
    was enforced until 1789.

    was occupied by
    1444 Utrecht exiled Jews
    Bavaria allowed
    jewish settlements in Zeeland.

    1443-Korea developed 
    own writing
    while continuing
    use  of Old-Chinese charaters.
    Reports of Jewish settlements
    in Old-China
    as well as 
    seven Korean last
    names of jewish
    mix bloods.

    Out of survival, jews
    were outcasted by societies
    that faced jewish 
    influences; repeatedly,
    jewish descendents
    have shown
    to encroach and
    takeover the territories.

    Rise in income
    follows rise in crimes;
    that further
    seperate the rich
    from the poor enslaved
    by bribed middle-class-puppets
    controlled by the wealthy;
    in territories
    inhibited and overtaken
    by jewish settlers.

    France rejected jews in 1321.
    Holy Roman Empire of Hainaut (French,Dutch,German)
    Holy Roman Empire of Rhine (French-German-providence)

    Hunchback-of Italian Pippin
    during ruling of Charmagne 
    is partially due to
    Vit D sufficiency.

    Vitamin D;
    daily walk in 
    sunglight while wearing sunscreen SPF15 protection.

    lighter skinned individuals
    get more Vit D via sun exposure
    ; darker skinned individuals
    need more Vit D consumption;
    revolution of lighter skin
    in order to optimize
    Vit D production consequently led to UV-ray causing
    skin cancer to lighter skinned person; lighter skin person
    does absorb more Vit-D Sunshine exposure
    than darker skin person. On the other hand,
    Uv-burns are more likely on lighter skin
    than darker skin person.

    Vit D deficiency-lack of daytime sun exposure
    walks-incest/same kinship marriages
    genetically led to hunchback-rickets.

    1656; Jewish community
    a Sephardic Jew named
    Benedictus deSpinoza
    (aka Baruch spinoza).


    Jew Mason-Isaac Moise; aka Adolphe Cremieux

    irish-vietnamese-French-short height
    Mixed heritage among Cajuns of New Orleans
    during coexistance of;
     (1)"exiled French Acadians of Quebec"
    +(2) "Indochina vietnamese deported by French"before 1945
    +(3) "Italian-sephadic-Spanish-Jews exiled from France"
    +(4) colonized"North American-Indian-natives"
    +(5) Iceland-Norm Vikings-Greek Diaspora from Ancient Rome
    +(6) Ireland-Famine-led Irish-Gaelic Scottish
       immigrants to Canada/America among French Acadians
        in Lousiana territory
    ----------- Above 6 factors make up the geneology
       of modern day French-speaking French-Canadians
         and French-Speaking American-European descendents.


    Slanted blue eye.
    hidden from public.
    muted of past.
    unknown past.

    jew freemason
    catholic knights of columbia freemason.
    gonzaga univ freemason.
    zionist freemason.

    red light districts
    h o m o se xuality
    shock doctrine chaos
    human sacrifices.
    r a pes.
    human trafficking.
    child slavery.
    child abuse.

    Washington monitor and Freemason's guide to the symbolic degrees

    1931 Thomas Milburne Reed.

    ------Slanted Italian Eyes;
    Italian-French Diaspora.

    * Scottish French surname-Theriault
    *French 12th century surnames
    came from Italy.
    North France.

    ; means cunning or crafty individual.
    Old Norman 1066.
    1219, Essex county.
    13th Century French influence 'del+la'
    ...Northern Slee
    means cunning or clever.
    ...Southern Slee were
    quiet and hardworking farmers.

      ( mighty ruler; Theodoricus descendent)

    Singer Chris Anton Rea; Irish Winifred K.Slee
    and Camillo Rea of TeeSSide Ice Cream;
    Chris Rea's grandfather
    in 1946 died on his
    way to Canada when
    his ship was torpedoed.

    born 1951 in England.
    1988-song;Driving Home for Christmas.

    Chris Rea's Irish mother, Winifred K. slee,
    died in 1983.
    Chris Rea's father, Italian Camillo Rea,
    died in 2010.

    ----French Acadian Diaspora;

    french language is descended
    from Sicilian-sardinian-Italian.
    Northern France and Belgium.

    French speaking countries;

    Canada-Quebec, Ontario, Acadia-New Brunswick

    Switzerland-Montreux(six point star)
    ;most speak French
    ;Claude Nobs-

      allies with germany-france-jap.

    vietnam-1887 French indochina;est1945
    uSA-New Hampshire

    Cree Indian-French Metis;speaks French.
    Cree Indians were
    from NW Canada;

    resides in Montana,USA.

    17th century French colony descendents
    of Acadia, Canada
    and Louisiana,USA.

    lived 80years in 
    Acadia Canada
    (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, 
    Prince Edward Island)
    before Brith Attack in 1710.
    French Acadians
    refused to sign 
    unconditonal treaty
    demanded by the British.

    1755-1763 French Acadians
    lived in;
    Nova scotia
    New Brunswick
    Prince Ed Island
    Gaspe Peninsula

    1763 Treaty of Paris
    forced French Acadians
    to be deported
    to Louisiana by
    Massachusetts,New England
    British supporters.

    Displaced to Louisiana was
    French Acadian "Jean-Baptiste Semer"1766.
    Jean-Baptiste Semer
    wrote to his family;
    My dear father...come
    to Louisiana...it is 
    better than living in France.
    There aren't duties
    nor taxes to pay.
    One works and earns
    without harming anyone.
    (letter written in 1766).

    ---French Acadians
    harbored hatred toward
    British for
    evicting them from Acadia.

    Louisiana was Spanish colony
    when French Acadian
    exiles settled
    in Western-Attakapas-area
    that is modern
    day South-central

    Exiled French Acadians
    in Fausees Point
    of Loreauville
    1765 lived
    along side
    the American-Native-Tribes
    of Chitimacha and Attakapa.

    Other ethnic French in 
    south Louisiana of 18th
    century included;
    French German
    French Spanish
    french Italian
    Metis-Celtic French
    French Creole
    french Native-indian Chitimacha.
    French native-indian-attakapa.

    ----Scottish Gaelic influence
    Manitoba, Canada
    halifax, nova Scotia
    New Glasgow,nova scotia
    Bruce county, ontario
    nova scotia
    Prince Edward Is


    "pulsatilla-lavender flower"
    used by Blackfoot-indians to
    induce abortions.


    Massachusetts and
    New England area
    British supporters
    French Acadians
    from Canada
    to Louisiana.

    French Acadians
    in Louisiana
    were called, Cajuns.

    -----Quinault Indians of North America.
    Linguistic group: Salishan
    Homeland: Southwestern Washington State

    Taholah, WA 98587

    of USA, Russia-Alaska, Canada;


    Brief Timeline
    1775: Spanish encounter the Quinault tribe

    1779: Spanish mission established

    1820s: Epidemic kills many (malaria)

    1850: Oregon Donation Land Act opened area to settlers

    1855 July 1,

    1856: Treaty created the Quinault Reservation

    1873: Quinault Reservation enlarged

    1892: United States government provided allotments on the Quinault Reservation

     Quinault ... Irish Pedigrees, or, the Origin And Stem of the Irish Nation, Volume 2 (1915)

    The only temperate rain forest in the northern hemisphere includes the glacial carved Quinault Valley. The Native Americans who inhabited the area

    The Quinault are a group of
     Native American peoples from western wa state
    ; Southwestern Coast Salish People.

    Quinault Indian Reservation Collection, 1939–1977

    NW Grays Harbor County
    to the SW Jefferson County.

    1856 Quinault Treaty.

    Quinault Tribe;

    Quinault Neighborhood;
    Amanda Park
    Qui-nai-elt village

    Philippe Quinault,

     Quinault Indian from Taholah, WA;

    Abraham-Alexis Quinault (1693– 1767)

     1909; Quinault, Roland

     lower Quinault river, Fork,WA

    Lake Quinault Lodge located in Olympic National Forest

    Forks,WA: Located on the sunny north shore of Lake Quinault

    Quinault Indians.

    .............Haunted in Wa State;

    Granite Falls - Blue Spruce - There is a mansion that is said to have been owned by a child molester who would kill the kids after he had raped them. 

    Hoquiam - Polson museum -haunted.

    Quinault - Lake Quinault Lodge - Sometime in the early 1900's there was a fire here that destroyed a couple of buildings. There was only one fatality, a cleaning woman caught in the attic. After the rebuild, most of the original attic was saved and restored.

    Kent - East hill Elementary School - a man committed suicide by hanging himself from the stairs.

    Long Beach - Lighthouse Resort - The Lighthouse Resort then known as The Lighthouse Motel was built in the 1950's. The older "ridge" cabins are haunted

    Longview - Heron Point - This place was supposedly built on an old Indian burial ground.

    Longview - Monticello Middle School - Legend has it that while this school was being built, a young girl died. She took cookies to the workers often, but was victim to a terrible fate one day when she fell in an area of freshly poured cement.

    Mabton - Old Mabton High School - It is a creepy feeling by just looking at it. It is said that you can heard kids walking, screaming, and running down the stairs. You hear pans from the kitchen banging. The shutters opening and shutting. The school was just shut down due to it being unsafe, it is now all boarded up and graffited. 

    Maple Falls - Border House - Burned down in 1985 - You take the only road N out of Maple Falls. Follow it about 6-7 miles, go past a lake. Keep on going until it begins to turn abruptly west. Border House is on the N side of the road; its back fence was/is the Canadian Border. It is the northernmost point on that road. The house faced south. A small creek ran through the front yard near the road. There were balls of light, voices, sounds of an elderly couple knocking at the door (the nearest house is 3 miles away). Faucets and lights would turn on and off at will. You could even feel and experience the hauntings during the daytime. Reports of visitors having an overwhelming urge to commit suicide. Rumor has it that the house was a way station for smuggled Chinese coolies back in about 1900. They were illegal in the USA but not in Canada, so they were smuggled in. There was a US border raid and many of the Chinese workers were herded into that upstairs room, summarily shot, and buried or dumped elsewhere. 

    Marysville - Allen Creek Elementary - haunted.

    Marysville - Marysville Pilchuck High School Theatre - When you're in the theatre alone, you can hear things scratching from the inside of the walls. Backstage during school performances, actors have heard strange mumblings in there ears. There is a rumor that a girl was killed on stage during a performance after being pushed off a large set piece. 

    Marysville - Stanwood - This road is many miles long and ends up a dead end. There is a hill to drive up at the beginning. People see somebody running up this hill keeping pace with there cars, looking in their windows as they are going up a steep hill. (35 to 40 mph). They also see Indians standing on the side of the road and look in the rearview mirror after they have passed and see no one. This road is on an Indian reservation (Tulalip).

    Moses Lake - Columbia Basin Alternative High School -haunted;torn down in 2005.

    Moses Lake - Frontier Middle School - On the date of February 6, 1996, the way of life in Frontier Middle School was shattered forever when a student by the name of Barry Loukaitis stepped into his Algebra class with a high powered hunting rifle and opened fire on the students.

    Moses Lake - Moses Lake High School - Theater - haunted.

    Moses Lake - White homestead - The White homestead is a house that was built in 1903 and according to actual witnesses, there has been a murder that took place in that house and the ghost of the young lady w/ child that was murdered is still there.

    Mount Vernon -Walker Valley - Big Lake - Reports of flash lights stop working

    Mukilteo - Harbor point middle school - during the night, if you walk past this school you can see a boy standing is the window of the closest wall. The rumor is the boy was thrown out this window by a science teacher who didn't like the boy. There are also two girls that look like normal humans but disappear if you look at them to long. Waiting for their brother to get out of school. The rumor behind this haunting is the two girls were shot walking to get their brother. Nobody knows the two girls' names. 

    Napivine - Frosty’s Bar and Grill - old bar established in the 1900's the say it is haunted by an old logger 

    Ocean Shores - Shiloh Restaurant and Lounge - A female spirit 

    Olalla/Port Orchard - Starvation Heights - A woman named Dr. Linda Burfield Hazzard ran a sanitarium back in the early 1900's or so. Her theory was that any disease could be cured by fasting(going for weeks, sometimes months, on end without food). It is said that she intentionally starved her "patients" (I prefer to refer to them as victims)to death and buried them on the sanitarium grounds, planting a tree over each body, and when she ran out of room for bodies, she threw them off of the cliff on the back side of where the building once stood. Her reason for killing the "patients" was out of greed: she had wills written up (some of them fake)that gave her full possession of her deceased "patients'" money and valuables, causing her to gain a fortune by their deaths. All that stands of the sanitarium today is the foundation, and the incinerator in which she reportedly cremated some of the bodies. And the trees that act as sinister headstones to the many nameless innocent people who fell victim to the woman's twisted, immoral and cruel scheme. 

    Oshkosh - Grand Opera Theater - on the opening nights of performances u can see a little boy walking around on the railing of the balcony were he fell to his death.

    Oysterville - School House - Oysterville Schoolhouse is said to be haunted by a child who died from an epileptic seizure. The old schoolhouse was built in the very early turn of the century, it stands in Oysterville WA on the Longbeach peninsula. 

    Packwood - Packwood Library - Its an old library that was once the town first post office. Strange noises are heard from the attic as well as boxes being moved to different locations. Also there have been reports of children being heard through the ceiling coming from the attic. 

    Paradise - Paradise Inn - When working in the preseason you can hear what sounds like furniture being moved and someone walking in the hallways and rooms above in the Annex part of the Inn. You also get the feeling of being watched when you are working all alone. The wind also sounds like voices in some of the dormer windows throughout the Inn. Nothing is known to have happened in the Inn but people who have stayed at the Inn and went on to climb the mountain have died on the mountain in various places. 

    Peshastin - Old Orchardists Home - this three story home was once the home of an Orchardist who died of a heart attack years ago.

    Pierce county - Tacoma - former site of "Children's Industrial Home" - Original orphanage building burned down. The newspapers report no fatalities. Current youth group home built using original foundation.

    Port Townsend - Holly Hill House - Has been removed by owner's request.

    Port Townsend - Manresa Castle - During the early 1900s a young girl named Kate stayed at the castle, after it was turned into a bed and breakfast. When she heard the news that her fiancé had been lost at sea the committed suicide and jumped from her third floor room, 306.
    She was clothed in late 1800's attire with a bonnet. It is also rumored that a monk hung himself in the attic. 

    Prosser - Whitstran - passed gravity hill - it was said that in a barn near gravity hill they raped girls and killed them. 

    Pullman - Washington State University - Steven's Hall - In the basement of one of the only female dorm houses left, it is said that a girl was staying in the basement (illegally) during the summer. Gary Ridgeway (the Green River Killer) supposedly was in Eastern Washington and somehow knew about this girl. he killed her

    Purdy - Purdy Bridge - in the late seventies a child was hit by a car on the Purdy bridge. (since his death a guardrail has been put in place.) 

    Queets - Native American Burial Ground -

    Index - The Bush House Country Inn - In 1889 the Bush House was build. It was build for miners who where moving to Index. At the turn of the century there was a young woman named Annabel that came to Index to wed. Her future husband worked in the mines. Well there was an explosion and word got down the valley to Annabel that her husband to be had been killed in the explosion. After getting word of this she hung herself. Turned out that her future husband had not been killed and went to get Annabel and found that she was dead. Rumor is that he then killed himself. 

    Kelso - Branding Iron Building - On Main Street in West Kelso... The former "redlight" area of town. This building housed a restaurant , Bar, and Room. 

    Everett - Rucker mansion - The Rucker mansion is haunted by Mrs. Rucker, who committed suicide by jumping from the bedroom window on the top floor.

    Everett - U.S.S. Fife dd-991 - the destroyer,” Fife" has scene the death of a crewmember, a former captain, and a civilian contractor onboard. on her decks, and in her corridors, crewmembers have scene, and heard things, they could not explain. Main engine room number one has been reported several times to be occupied with ghost of a dead civilian worker. Engineers have heard duct tape, footsteps on the deck plates, and voices. the mid ship's quarterdeck is where a young sailor committed suicide, and many crewmembers see the ghost on dark underway nights. - June 2008 Update: in April 2004, she was sunk in a live fire evolution off the coast of California. 

    Fort Lewis - At night sightings of ghost apparitions are seen in the woods on North Fort Lewis and a few people say they have seen mysterious cloaked spirits along with spirits of Native Americans. 

    Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis Inn - Museum - Reported lights going off and on. When the employees were trying to close things up doors would open and shut.- February 2006 Additional info: After an exorcism because of too many visitors, nothing has happened for about 3 or 4 years now. 

    Fort Lewis - North Fort Old Barracks -haunted.

    Fort Lewis - North Fort Lewis - The cadences of platoons of soldiers running is often heard early in the morning, long before any unit of this size is conducting runs. 

    Bremerton - Bremerton Community theater -haunted.

    Bremerton - Chester Apartments - Chester Apts originally was a hospital. After it was turned into apartments, spirits of patients and orderlies can be seen walking the halls and in the rooms. 

    Bremerton - Holland Road - Once there was a little girl(in 1937) that went strolling on her black horse at 11:00-12:00(around then)a drunk driver came speeding down the corner and hit her and her horse. Then the drunk driver called his friends to have them pick her up and bury her. Then a couple weeks later the drunk driver wouldn’t admit he killed her. Then a couple days later he died(no one knows how he died)and after her parents died they sold her house to a old lady. The old lady recorded in a journal what had happened every night. The little girl and her horse haunted her every night and told the old lady "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! " the old lady didn’t move out of the house. The old lady died and the cops couldn’t figure out how she died. Then the cops found her journal and found out that Holland road is haunted(After the old lady died they tore down the house and the barn with the horses being dead).Some people went down the road and had herd the horses trotting and eating. 

    Burien - Lakeside Milam Treatment Center - a young boy who was in treatment there hung himself several years ago. 

    Carnation - Carnation Cemetery - Witnesses report quite a few things happening in that grave yard.

    Carnation - Fall City/Carnation Back Road - Reports of a white ghostly looking dog,

    Carson - Carson Hotsprings - Has known to have a ghost in an upstairs room and up the staircase you'll feel the presents as a cold chill

    Central Kitsap - Holland Road - So the story goes, an older man had just gotten back from a vacation late in the night and went out to his mailbox to grab his mail. A group of inebriated teenagers were driving along the road with their lights off, and they struck the man as he got his mail, killing him. The story goes that if you drive down the road slowly with your lights off, you'll see shadows and whatnot. Another Story is that a couple of guys were driving slowly with their lights off, and all of the sudden a big horse was in front of them. 

    Chehalis - the steps - years ago this place was a school house for little kids until one day a man burnt it down with the kids stuck inside...

    Cheney - Eastern Washington University - Dryden Hall 2nd floor - A contorted face of a man can be seen in the grain of the wood on door 203. Reportedly a young man committed suicide in the room in the 1960's. 

    Concrete - Mount Baker Hotel - Make it known that if you are going to this hotel, and you go upstairs be prepared, you will see a little girl about 4, with red hair and blue jean shorts on, with a pink shirt on! She might try to push you down the stairs (Do Not Be Alarmed!) but it does not work. All you can feel is a sort of tingle go through your body. You can hear a little girls voice saying "The bad woman’s gonna hurt me!" Also you might hear "Turn around, the bad woman will hurt you!" People say that her mother used to beat her to death. 

    Coupeville - Ebey's Landing, Sunnyside Cemetery - Accounts have said that his ghost, both with a head and headless, have been seen in the cemetery and in an old cabin his family occupied after his death. 

    Curlew; Cascade Job Corps is housed in what was originally Northern State Hospital for the Insane. The Hospital opened for business in 1912 and remained an insane asylum until I believe right around 1970. Locally it is referred to simply as Northern State Mental Hospital. 

    Des Moines - At the Des Moines Marina Park, the ghost of a little girl named Diana is seen walking the beach and swinging on the beach at night every January 8th. 

    Duvall - Duvall Cemetery -haunted.

    Duvall / Maltby - Maltby Cemetery -- It is hidden off to the right hand side of the Redmond Duval Road. (20 miles East of Seattle.) It has about 35 grave sights 
    There used to be a staircase that began at ground level and descended 13 steps below ground. I believe the legend/story was that it was a below-grade entrance to the opulent tomb of a locally wealthy family. In any case, kids used to get drunk near or in the cemetery and would walk down these steps late at night. It is unsure whether there were doors or simply a dirt wall at the bottom of these steps. Regardless, once you reached the bottom of the stairs and turned around you supposedly no longer saw the cemetery but a vision of Hell. The similarity in this story to yours is that this vision drove the subject to insanity. Anyone watching the subject walk down the stairs witnessed them stop, turn, and fall dumbfounded to their knees. I’ve heard that several children emerged nearly comatose from the steps – many of them never uttered another word. the story goes that these steps were bulldozed over (depending on the age of the storyteller, the bulldozing occurred anywhere from 1992 to the early 1960’s) and that the severe NO TRESPASSING limitations were a result of that. Furthermore, There is rumor of illegal late night expeditions – kids with shovels hoping to unearth Maltby’s 13 Steps to Hell.

    Edmonds - Edmonds Theater - The building, before its renovation, was built at the turn of the century.

    Edmonds - Frances Anderson Leisure and Cultural Arts Center -The original structure was called Edmonds Elementary School and was built in 1929. It is now owned and operated by the Edmonds Parks and Recreation Department. It was named after a longtime teacher and principal for the school, Frances Anderson. Employees and visitors have reported haunting activity for years. Many experiences involve spirits of children walking the hallways and the ghost of Frances Anderson herself, who died in the 1980's. 

    Ellensburg - Barto Hall - Barto Hall is haunted on the top floor in the room now known as C-37,

    Ellensberg - Central Washington University - Beck Hall - Apparitions seen. 

    Ellensburg - Central Washington University - Kamola Hall - Kamola Hall is haunted by the ghost of a former student that committed suicide there when she found out that her fiancé had been killed during the war. She hung herself from the rafters of the top floor where her room was located. 

    Ellensburg - liberty theatre - people say they have heard sounds and screaming in the theater 

    Ellensburg - liberty theatre - people say they have heard sounds and screaming in the theater 

    Enumclaw - Haunted Gauntlet at Battersby Asylum - 

    Friday Harbor - U.W. Labs dinning hall - This place was an old naval station a long time ago. Strange things happen off and on. Windows and doors open by themselves, apparitions can be seen out of the corners of you eye. It is rumored that an Indian is buried on the property. 

    Georgetown - Beacon Hill - Comet Lodge Cemetery -haunted.

    Gig Harbor - Gig Harbor Grange - An observer will notice an energy about the grange.

    Granger - Cherry Hill - There is an old legend which describes a tale regarding a young woman and her son traveling the narrow road on Cherry Hill when she lost control of her car and ventured over the side of the steep cliff. Her face is reportedly seen engraved in the bark of tree trunks along the Yakima River which flows adjacently below Cherry Hill. 


    • Moses Hess — close mentor of both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, introducing them to the concept of dialectical materialism which became a key part of Marxism. Hess was a key player in the development of both Zionism and Communism, stating that "the race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary." He joined the Loge Henri IV of the Grand Orient de France while in Paris in 1858.


    ---similarities between History of Germany and History of Korea
    (Both Germany and Korea has U.S.A. enforced U.S. Military Occupation without consent of its citizens)

    After the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), feudalism fell away and liberalism and nationalism clashed with reaction. The 1848 March Revolutionfailed. The Industrial Revolution modernized the German economy, led to the rapid growth of cities and to the emergence of the Socialist movement in Germany. Prussia, with its capital Berlin, grew in power.
    (Korean 3Kingdom territories of Manchu, islands east of russia and north of Japan,
    and Korean Peninsula were richer than USA-Russia-UK in 1800's)

    1871;German universities became world-class centers for science and the humanities, while music and the arts flourished. Unification was achieved with the formation of the German Empire in 1871 under the leadership of Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The new Reichstag, an elected parliament, had only a limited role in the imperial government.

    By 1900, Germany's economy matched Britain's, allowing colonial expansion and a naval race. Germany led the Central Powers in the First World War (1914–1918) against FranceGreat BritainRussia and (by 1917) the United States.
    (1905 Jap annexation deceit led to totalitarian Jap Invasion of Korean Peninsula
    from 1910-1945; Korea lost all)

    unstable by 1918;Defeated and partly occupied, Germany was forced to pay war reparations by the Treaty of Versailles and was stripped of its colonies as well as Polish areas and Alsace-Lorraine. The German Revolution of 1918–19 deposed the emperor and the kings, leading to the establishment of the Weimar Republic, an unstable parliamentary democracy.

    In the early 1930s, the worldwide Great Depression hit Germany hard, as unemployment soared and people lost confidence in the government.

    By1930, Germany faced 1920's USA Great Depression and poverty/unemployment/stock crash.

    --------------1933-Austrian-born-Nazi-Hitler invades Germany;
     In 1933, the Nazis under Adolf Hitler came to power and established a totalitarian regime. Political opponents were killed or imprisoned.

    ------1933 Nazi-Hitler invading Germany benefitted Russia-Soviet
    from gaining north Poland for Russia and south Poland for Nazi-Hitler.

    1939-Russia-Soviet and Nazi-Hitler divided Europe;
     Nazi Germany's aggressive foreign policy took control of Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, and its invasion of Poland initiated the Second World War. After forming a pact with the Soviet Union in 1939, Hitler and Stalin divided Eastern Europe.

    (Jap's terror on Korean Peninsula escalates in 1939-as Jap chases Manchu-Korean Kingdom
    descendents fleeing to Nanking,China; Nanking Massacre of china
    killed Chinese and Manchu-Korean descendents of Gogueryo Kingdom)

    1940;After a "phoney war" in spring 1940 the German blitzkrieg swept Scandinavia, the Low Countries and France, giving Germany control of nearly all of Western Europe. 

    Only Britain stood opposed

    1941-Nazi Hitler turns on Russia-Soviet. Nazi-Hitler joins Jap to turn on
    Russia-Soviet; Jap plays games of visible alliance with Russia-Soviet
    but invisible-hidden-secret alliance-Money-bartering with Nazi-Hitler
    against Russia-Soviet for Jap's greed over territorial gains of destructed
    Korean territories disputed by Russia-Soviet. Thieves turn on eachother
    ( Russia-Japs-Nazi Hitler).

    Russia-Soviet turns on Nazi-Hitler
    by Russia becoming allies with USA-UK
    against Nazi-Hitler/Jap.

    Little did Russia-Soviet
    know that Jap from 1860's
    was a puppet of Kobe,Japan
    residing NewYork Zionist
    that lent 200Million US dollars
    to Jap militia.

    *while Russia-Soviet
    masterminded the
    to take over Germany in order
    to gain European territories;
    New York based Zionist
    residing in Kobe,Japan
    masterminded the
    "Jap Meiji Militia"
    to destroy Korea-3-Kingdoms'
    hold of China.

    Both Nazi-Hitler and Zionist-controlled-Jap
    ended in 1945; but horror
    Germany was rid of Nazi-Hitler
    but US Military made permanent
    occupation of Germany (East Germany
    for Russian control/ West Germany for
    ......Korea was rid of Jap Imperialism
    but without a pause, US Military made
    permanent occupation of Korea from 1945-present 2013
    all the while keeping US Military headquarters in Japan;
    all the while US Military continued
    the slavement/abuse against Koreans exactly
    as Jap establishment of Korea...Jap-U.S. Military
    was equivalent 'war-criminals' in Korea.
    U.S. Military continued where Jap left behind- genocide of
    3-kingdom-descendents/ r ap es-tortures-slavement
    without pay/ territorial occupation without 
    food-reconstruction-financial aide to war-devastated Koreans.
    1910-1945 jap war crimes continued
    without escape 
    to 1945-1953 U S Military 'fake' propaganda
    of 'help' that disguised the real 'napalm genocide-destruction'
    of rest of Korean-3-Kingdom traces/descendents.
    ...U.S. Military-Truman's two atomic bombs
    of Jap destroyed enslaved Koreans
    taken to Jap.  

    The chaos fabricated between
    Russia and U.S. Military
    over divided Korea created
    the 'perfect -storm/ perfect
    Shock Doctrine effects
    allowing 1948-forced
    establishment of Israel
    resistance from Islams.

    In 1989, the Berlin Wall was destroyed, the Soviet Union collapsed and East Germany was reunited with West Germany in 1990.
    (Berlin Wall-Unification of Germany was in exchange for
    Russia getting US-UK-France-Jap alliance in 
    revenging binLaden-Saddam Hussein overthrowing
    Russia from Opium-rich Afghanistan.

    Russia gave up East Germany in exchange for
    shared territorials rights to
    Opium-Afghanistan as well as to
    Oil-rich-Saudi Arabia/Egypt/Iraq )


    History of Fall of Germany to Nazi-Hitler
    in 1933-1945 and 1945-present 2013 U.S. Military Occupation of Germany
    examplify how "Shock Doctrine" was used both in Germany
    and equally in Korea.  Unlike the fortunes of Germany ( divided Germany
    reunites); Korea remains divided and slaved to U.S., Russia, & Jap.

    -----------Naomi Klein explained, "shock doctrine"
    is exactly 
    visible in;
         Korean History
         binLaden-SadamHussein represented countries before their assassinations ordered by Bush-Obama.

    -----------------------Bush-and-Obama only differs in DNA/Racial/skin color.

    Obama, like Bush, is only motivated by 'money' and 'selfish-own-family' wellness
    regardless of 'deaths and poverty' of millions resulting from
    'war-crimes' executed by him during his presidency.

    Obama was only selected
    to presidency for his use
    of race benefiting USA's
    war crimes against binLaden-Sadam Hussein
    represented countries suffering under
    Israel-USA-Russia-UK 's

    ...........................................................................One must outline the 
    Timeline-outcomes-of Korean History
    being repeated in what was once binLad-sadam Hussein represented countries
    trying to defend against foreign invasion/foreign control.