Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA
Gonzaga University alumni
can recall stories
of "fun-easy-going"
Bing Crosby (movie;White Christmas)
as a student at Gonzaga College (before
undergraduate based Gonzaga
College expanded to become Gonzaga University
with successful Law School housing
Catholic Jesuits living on-campus at the Jesuit Housing
near its School of Engineering. )
being responsible
for a piano thrown
out the window of
campus male dormitory, "Desmet".
(Crosby Center, student center building
that includes student post office boxes,
student lounge, bookstore, student cafe, student-organization-help-desk offering
after-dark-walking-buddy-program, public piano lounge, career resource center,
and student council office space; school-yearbooks and school-year-student handbook
photos are taken at Crosby Center.)
![]() |
sigma chi fraternity |
scary truth;
Spokane, Wa's
Gonzaga University;
private catholic college
campus includes
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
open to public.
Yet, one notes the
"Freemasonic" building
across the street from
St. Aloysius Catholic
Church on Gonzaga University
One must "see and pass
the Actively
attended FreeMasonic buidling
not open to public"
when walking to and from
Gonzaga University
On-campus Apartments
RiteCare of Washington (Scottish Rite Masons)
Helping Kids Speak
Spokane Lodge No.34 Freemason of Wa State. |
Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh will allow the Knights of Columbus to receive official club.
----Haunted and Permission Required
Wa State sites;
Aberdeen,WA - Billy's Bar and Grill - This Building has two floors, the first floor has the restaurant, the second floor used to contain a prostitution house
Arlington,WA - Old Arlington High School - A man doing maintenance on the auditorium roof fell through and hit his neck on the back of one of the chairs. He broke his neck and died. A cheerleader is also said to have died.
Supposedly there's a 'lost room' under the
high school.
Bellingham, WA - Bayview Cemetery -stone enclosure of person buried beneath the statue.
Bellingham,WA - Mount Baker Theatre ; unknown female presence...
Bellingham, WA - Shuksan Rehab ;
Building was built on old school from 1800's lot in 1950's.
Bellingham,WA - The Mansion ; unknown woman died of childbirth
Bellingham, WA - The Old Town Café
Spokane,WA - Bowdish Middle School - [Rumor] A long time ago a little before the school was made a boy named Jon was killed. Jon was between the ages 13-15. He was walking by the area of the school that was being built at around 7:00pm Pacific Time. A man in dark clothes grabbed him and stabbed him 10 times. 4 times in the face, 2 in the arm, and 4 in the chest area. A person in a car drove by and saw a body on the ground. It was Jon. They never caught the man who killed him.
Spokane,WA - Broadway - hammer appearances.
Spokane,WA - Cameo Catering Event Facility - Mysterious noises, levitations primarily in the basement of assorted objects. Men talking when the building is empty. The building was a Masonic hall for IOOF for years. Story goes members who have passed on object to "guests" in the building, as their rites were secret.
Spokane,WA - Double Tree Hotel - Every night, since last October of 1998 Halloween a mysterious noise occurs from the 15 floor.
Spokane,WA/Airway Heights,WA - Fairchild Air Force Base - Kc 135 - is haunted by 2 people dying on it in flight at different times.
Spokane,WA - Gonzaga Prep High School - The ghost of a teenage girl supposedly haunts the halls. Her story is as follows: back when Prep was an all-boys school, there was a football player who told his girlfriend to meet him after a game. He told her to wait in a small underground tunnel area that leads to the furnace. She snuck into the school and followed his directions, hunkering down in the tunnel to wait. When the boy arrived and opened the trapdoor the scent of burnt flesh wafted up. The heater had kicked on, burning the girl against the wall.
Spokane,WA - Gonzaga University - Monaghan Hall - Monaghan Hall is the music building for Gonzaga University. The structure used to be the private residence for James Monaghan, who was brutally murdered in the structure.
In the 1970’s, Father Leedale even performed an exorcism. It was obviously done in vain because the hauntings still occur.
Spokane - Mead Middle School - formerly Mead High School - In the 1930's when the high school was first built a drunk Scottish man fell off his ladder and was killed. On school grounds in places you can smell the strong scent of whiskey and hear mindless muttering
Spokane - Mini Haha Park - This park is said to be haunted.
There is a building there that is thought to be an old orphanage school.
In this school, some of the kids that were never claimed by foster parents were murdered.
Spokane - Mirabeau Park Hotel - Formerly the Valley Doubletree - male suicide near front desk.
Spokane - Northwest Christian Colbert Campus - many mysterious occurring. Some say it is the ghost of old Mr. Altmeyer
Spokane - Riverpark Square - In 2003 a man jumped off the top escalator to fall to his death on top the painted map of Inland Washington Lakes.
Spokane - Spokane Falls Cemetery - There's a number of steps leading from the side of the road up to the cemetery dubbed the 1000 steps. These steps lead up to a place where satanic rituals are supposedly held. No one is said to be able to make it to the top step (except Steve and Joe)due to overwhelming fear.
Spokane - St. Xavier Church -nun appearances.
Spokane - West Valley High School - If your walking around in the auditorium with two walkie talkies on around the stage you can hear an old guy talking on them. Reason said to be is because when the auditorium was where the cafeteria is now a janitor was on the catwalk during a play and fell down and died instantly.
Seattle - Georgetown - Central Baptist Church - Mysterious sounds, slamming doors, and strange old man sightings haunt this Korean Baptist church. This was a former Masonic church which was once used to sacrifice animals and supposedly humans. Visit this building alone and you'll experience first hand of the level of demonic hauntings in this building.
Seattle - The Good Shepard Center - The place used to be a girls reform school in the twenties and was closed in the late fifties. There is an eerie presence there
Seattle - Greenlake - In 1926 the body of 22 yr old Sylvia Gaines was found murdered at Greenlake, it was determined that her father had killed her in a drunken rage, witness's at the trial stated that they had been having an affair and Sylvia wanted to leave, the point of land where her body was found is named Gaines Point
Seattle - Hamilton Middle School - Hamilton Middle School is a very haunted school and there are many sightings whenever you are alone in the bathroom, there are strange footsteps heard and the door opens and closes on its own. The bathroom is on the 2nd floor. It is heard that a girl got pregnant and died at this school.
Seattle - The Harvard Exit - This is now a movie theater but used to be a meeting hall for a women's organization. People have reported seeing the ghost of a hanging woman in the hallway, as well has hearing footsteps and laughter.
Seattle - Hotel Andra - Formerly listed as Claremont Hotel - Employees have reported sounds as of a violent, riotous party from the 1920's and the Prohibition era complete with period jazz music and the sounds of breaking glass. A worker fell to her death from the hotel's upper floors in the 1960's
Seattle - Kenmore - St. Edwards State Park/ Bastyr University - Reports of children playing on the playground and running around, chandeliers were swaying back and forth, cold spots, as well as things moving in the basement around the chalkboards and chairs
Seattle - Martha Washington Institute - sometime in the 40s-50s a janitor at this women’s institution weft crazy and murdered several patience and some staff before being subdued by police. Its said that he, carried the bodies to a near by dock and threw several into the water.
Natives to Rainer Ave don’t go near it and cursed us when we pulled over to ask directions.
Seattle - Nathan Hale High School - Apparently, a long time ago someone was raped in one of the halls in this school.
Seattle - old slave mansion - there is a gate that goes around this mansion and it is said that if you step one foot into the gate you have to fully enter and walk past a forest that is on a huge hill and at the top of the hill is a wishing rock that makes wishes true and if you don't you will have bad luck forever. But the mansion presuming haunted by the past slaves and many have said that they have seen ghosts there and one friend has said that there cousin has been in that building and a ghost of an old woman has pushed her out the window of the second floor fortunately the girl did survive with minor injuries.
Seattle - Old Well's Fargo Bank - There has been reports of a dark shadowy figure with no eyes
Seattle - Pike Place Public Market - The ghost of a Native American woman has been seen at night when all the tourists and shoppers have gone home. The site was sacred somehow to Indians until the market was built.
Seattle - The Rivoli - a turn of century building where the spirit of a young Eskimo girl who came to Seattle to start a new life has been felt and seen. Her mentally ill Cuban boyfriend stabbed her to death and her body was hidden behind a Murphy bed. The door to her apt. was padlocked and she wasn't discovered for several weeks until her neighbor noticed a strange smell.
Seattle - Rainer - At around midnight a kid will come up to u and choke you. You can feel it but not see him. you’ll hear him say give me money and food.
Seattle - Rite Aid - West Seattle - Rite Aid used to be a mining place in west Seattle and it is rumored it has a spirit that will turn off lights, set off alarms, and even call employees and hang up.
Seattle - Screaming Well - They say if you look into the well you can hear screaming of people who fell into the well years before. They say sometimes the voices follow you home.
Seattle - University of Washington - Columns Amphitheater - After dark, there is an entity at the Columns Amphitheater who does not like visitors. A couple sitting on a bench is a favorite target. The entity shakes the closest bush or shrub violently, and growls very low if you do not pay attention. Some people are unable to enter the amphitheater at night because of the forbidding, brooding feelings within. The Columns Amphitheater was named for the four columns from the original University of Washington building located closer to downtown.
Seattle - University YMCA - Many times from 1990-1993, while cleaning basement work-out room, heard footsteps and voices coming from upstairs, although all members had left the building. Also felt presence in furnace room. Building was built in 1951.
Seattle - West Seattle - Suicide Bridge - There's a bridge located in Seattle. Supposedly, a person had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge with his dog.
Seattle - The Sorrento Hotel - Many unexplained occurrences go on here all the time. >From footsteps, glasses moving in full view of the guests in the Hunt Club Bar. Guests report sightings of a woman on the 4th floor near her room 408.
Kirkland - Central Tavern - Employees and after hours guests have seen a "pink lady" near the back of the room.
Kirkland - Williams / Web Building - Several Residents (upstairs) have seen a short man in a hat, reported footsteps, cold spots, minor moving objects, rapping. A pair of residents (sisters) reported being "sat upon" while sleeping, one resident reported whispers in her ear. Restaurant workers (below) have spotted a shadowy figure
Lacey - Nisqually Middle School - A picture taken showed an orb in the "7b" hallway. Rumored to be the spirit of a kid who attended the school in the 80's who died while he attended.
Lake Stevens - A woman was killed while driving through a railing into Lake Stevens
Lakewood - Thornewood Castle Bed and Breakfast Inn - This is the building that Stephen King filmed the movie Rose Red, but other real life things have been found there. Orbs and Ectoplasm
Leavenworth - Leavenworth cemetery - this place was once the burial site for railroad workers in the late 1800's
Everett - Everett High School Auditorium - The story goes that when the building was being built a construction worker fell and was killed.
Everett - Everett Inn -unknown appearances.
Everett - INC -unknown red eyed appearances.
Everett - Mallard Cove apt. - In 1999, Bill Stien, a taxi driver employed by Everett Yellow Cab Co., had a heart attack in the parking lot at Mallard Cove Apartments ( Airport Road and Admiralty Way).
Everett - Mariner High School - male appearances.
Everett - The old Everett movie theatre/Auditorium - Located in downtown of north Everett, the theatre has had several people in the last 20 or so years, see an apparition or ghost from time to time. It is believed to be a man; either an old deceased patron or worker of the theatre.
Seattle - Andrew's Rainbow House - A young man named Andrew who was gay finally decided to tell his father he was gay. His father freaked out and killed his son and himself. The next morning the house was painted rainbow colors on the front and the back of the house is an array of colors and swirls. There is also colored tile on the roof and a gray letter "A" on the tile roof.
Seattle - Capitol Hill - The "South Annex" - The South Annex now houses a Dental Office and the English Institute of Seattle Central Community College. In the past, it was the Burnley School of Art. There is a story that a young male student at Burnley committed suicide
Seattle - Capitol Hill Methodist Church - a presence haunts the church and it's origin is not known.
Seattle - Civil War Cemetery - There is a small Civil War cemetery next to the Lakeview Cemetery
quoting 2009 article on;
Freemasonry has a long and tortured history of critics who have attacked its secretive nature almost from its inception. The most likely explanations of the origins of Freemasonry can be traced to Scotland in the late 1500s, arising from the construction trade guilds that flourished there. Grand Lodges were established first in Scotland, Ireland, then England in the 1700s, later spreading throughout Europe.
Early in the summer of 1841, several Latter-day Saints who were Masons, including Lucius N. Scovil, a key figure in Nauvoo Freemasonry, asked Bodley Lodge No. 1, in Quincy, Illinois, to request that the Illinois Grand Lodge appoint certain individuals as officers of a Nauvoo lodge. Indicating that the persons named were unknown in Quincy as Masons, the lodge returned the letter with instructions for further action.
Less than a year later, Nauvoo had a lodge without the normal sponsorship. Grand Master Abraham Jonas (a Jewish Mason) apparently waived the rule and granted Nauvoo a "special dispensation" to organize. He also made Joseph Smith and his counselor, Sidney Rigdon, "Masons at sight," accelerating them to the third degree designation as "Master Masons" and waiving the normal waiting period between the degrees. Some believe that Jonas was willing to follow this course because he envisioned the growing Mormon vote supporting his own political ambitions. Such speculation is validated in the fact of the Church's expulsion from Missouri, largely because of their abolitionist views in opposition to those who favored the continuation of slavery in Missouri. As a large political voting bloc, the Mormons wielded influence at the polls. Although the action may have endeared Jonas to some Latter-day Saints, it antagonized other Masons. Joseph Smith had reason to expect that the Saints might benefit from the network of friendship and support normally associated with the fraternal organization, but instead, the creation of the Nauvoo Lodge only produced more friction.
The true origins of Freemasonry are shrouded, and cannot be completely verified, and here the similarities between Freemasonry and Mormonism radically depart when compared to Joseph Smith's own autobiographical history and assertions of divine revelation freely given since the early 1800s. It is highly unlikely that Freemasonry's origins can be accurately traced back to Solomon's Temple, as some have believed and purported, some critics using that supposition as the basis for their opposition to Freemasonry being anti-Islamic and favoring construction of the future Jewish Temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock.
"Many Islamic anti-Masonic arguments are closely tied to both Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism, though other criticisms are made such as linking Freemasonry to Dajjal. Some Muslim anti-Masons argue that Freemasonry promotes the interests of the Jews around the world and that one of its aims is to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem after destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In article 28 of its Covenant, Hamas states that Freemasonry, Rotary, and other similar groups 'work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions …' Many countries with a significant Muslim population do not allow Masonic establishments within their jurisdictions. However, countries such as Turkey and Morocco have established Grand Lodges, while in countries such as Malaysia and Lebanon there are District Grand Lodges operating under a warrant from an established Grand Lodge.
"There was a time when there existed a number of lodges in Iraq as early as 1919, when the first lodge under the UGLE was opened in Basra, and later on when the country was under British Mandate just after the First World War. However the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution, with the abolition of the Monarchy and Iraq being declared a republic, under General Qasim. The licences permitting lodges to meet were rescinded and later laws were introduced banning any further meetings. This position was later reinforced under Saddam Hussein, the death penalty was 'prescribed' for those who "promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations.' With the fall of the Hussein government following the US Invasion of Iraq, a number of lodges associated with military units of the UK and UK have met and continue to meet on military bases within Iraq. In 2007, Land Air and Sea Lodge, No. 1, was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge of New York for the benefit of US servicemen serving in Iraq. Whilst this lodge is now dark there are proposals to re-activate it."
One final note in passing. Nothing could be more repugnant to a modern radical Muslim extremist today than everything Sigma Chi Fraternity stands for, utilizing as it does nearly all the symbols of the Christian Crusades -- the White Cross, the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (in this sign you will conquer), the white rose, the Norman Shield, the patron saint Constantine, and all the other reprehensible reminders of their defeat in earlier centuries.
2013 Article;
Gonzaga University to Review Knights of Columbus’ Status (1532)
The vice president for student life at Gonzaga decided that the fraternal organization could not be recognized as a ‘student organization’ because the group is closed to women and non-Catholics.
by CARL BUNDERSON/CNA/EWTN NEWS 04/11/2013 Comments (6)
SPOKANE, Wash. — Gonzaga University's president, Thayne McCulloh, will be reviewing the school’s Student Life Office decision that denied a Knights of Columbus' council application to be recognized as a “student club.”
On March 7, the university’s student-life division denied the council’s application for recognition as a “student organization,” according to an April 5 report by the Cardinal Newman Society. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic charitable fraternal organization with 1.8 million members globally.
McCulloh stated April 6 that “Gonzaga honors and respects the purpose and good works of the Knights of Columbus, with which it has a long tradition and mutual collaboration at both local and state levels.”
He has chosen to review the decision and is expected to take 30-45 days doing so. The president will complete the review “as quickly as he can,” Gonzaga’s community-relations director, Mary Joan Hahn, said April 10.
The Knights of Columbus has a council at Gonzaga University, but it is not recognized as a “student club,” the school has clarified, after reports surfaced that it denied the council its application as such.
“The Knights of Columbus College Council is on campus and is supported by the university currently,” Hahn said.
“There are many ways for student groups to be present and active on campus,” she explained. “The initial decision pertained to recognition by the student-life division under its current process.”
“They haven’t been banned,” Hahn added.
Gonzaga said, “The Knights of Columbus College Council [12583] is already present within the student body and receives support from the administration.”
“Gonzaga University’s core Catholic and Jesuit identity recognizes, encourages and supports many student organizations that advance faith-related issues,” the school said, citing Gonzaga Right to Life and the Blessed John Paul II Fellowship.
Though the council currently exists, it is not recognized as a “student club” or a “student organization.” The decision not to grant the Knights' council recognition as a student group was based on the university’s current “club-recognition process.”
The Cardinal Newman Society posted excerpts from a letter from the vice president for student life at Gonzaga, Sue Weitz, saying that the Knights of Columbus could not be recognized as a “student organization” because the group is closed to women and to non-Catholics.
“These criteria are inconsistent with the policy and practice of student-organization recognition at Gonzaga University, as well as the university’s commitment to non-discrimination based on certain characteristics, one of which is religion.”
Weitz cited Gonzaga’s commitment to “non-discrimination and inclusivity” in her letter.
“To embrace the diversity and yet endorse a group based on faith exclusivity is a challenge that cannot be reconciled at this time. It is a decision about social justice, equity and the desire of the university to create and maintain an environment in which none are excluded.”
Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/gonzaga-university-to-review-knights-of-columbus-status#ixzz2iirVoPuY