
Parent's daily list of responsibility for their child(ren)

Every child deserves the following Six fundamental Categories completed
on a daily basis;

1.  Clean Home (daily dusted, vacuumed, steamed)
2.  Clean outfits/Appropriate School supplies-clean furniture-clean bedding.
3.  Nutritious Meals; stocked fridge
4.  Safe Home ( positive and nurturing parenting, Zero-tolerance-for-abuse)
5.  Respect ( respect for privacy esp in bathrooms/ and personal space in one's room/
   as well as respect in language and attitude)
6.  Daily routine displayed by a parent as a respectable mentor to one's child ;
(Work-Income, daily housekeeping, providing groceries, self-literacy-improvement
by reading/studying, personal hygiene)


A. Daily; Keep the home sanitary and dust-free. (AM-workout)
1. Dusting furniture
2. Dusting walls
3. Vacuum
4. Bathroom Sanitization;
5.  Laundry.
6.  Clean Fridge-Kitchen Sink
7.  Take out trash daily.

--------Having a clean home; completing daily
housekeeping cleaning-dusting tasks make a positive impact a child's healthy development.

B.  Daily Personal Hygiene is a must ----
1.  Reiterating daily hygiene;
washing hands with soap- keeping bathroom clean-personal hygiene ( 2x toothbrushing-am/pm shower/daily

2.  Using hand-sanitizers after shaking hands.

3.  Using face masks and hankerchiefs.

4.  Being conscientious of germ prevention.


C.  Clean Fridge stocked with ;
1.  Water bottles
2.  Orange Juice
3.  VitD Fortified Milk
4.  Daily Vitamin+Mineral intake menu
(fresh fruits, salad, sandwiches, soup)
*Making sure USDA-checked for recalls-alerts
of purchased groceries.
**Making sure the groceries
are washed-zip lock contained appropriately
for sanitary purposes.

D.  Every third month updated outfits, shoes, school supplies
(Per season; 4 seasonsx 3every third month=12 months a year)

E safe home; providing for one's self to one's very best in turn
comes from extra motivation to provide the very best for one's child.
Daily tasks that one completes as a parent benefits the parent and the child.
All benefits.  Yet, as a parent, one doesn't have the luxury to slack; one
must complete the daily tasks daily to live up to
one's parental responsibility.

F.  Respect; One must respect one's child.

----------------Above mentioned are the bare minimal tasks that one must
complete before one's own personal responsibilities as a  Functionally Responsible Adult/Parent;
( Daily exercise, Daily nutritious meals, Daily Income-Education, Daily housekeeping, Daily Literacy-self-improvement, Daily Hygiene, Daily pro-active knowledge updates on neighborhood crime watch/global news updates/heritage-history-upkeep).

-----------Daily routine to keep one's self at one's very best/ reach and strive one's potential-to
upkeep one's achieved potential is in itself a time-consumption that leaves little room for
'bad habits'.

-------------------Living responsibly includes a parent completing daily tasks
that done daily is manageable with great rewards.  The reward of providing
the very best home for one's child while being motivated to be one's very best
as a parent.